09/30/2020 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Trenton and here are your announcements for Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6.


Thank you to all those who participated in yesterday’s spirit week event! Take a look at some of the submissions! Here is a look at today’s activities.


Thank you Juri and Xochi. Remember Vikings, for “Rep it Wednesday” you should wear your class t-shirt or attire with your class colors and submit it to the student association email at: [email protected] Each class also has a chance to show their pride AND earn hero points by participating in the Kahoot challenge! Each class will have their own designated zoom meeting. Information has been emailed directly to your viking emails. Don't forget to check your spam folder if it is not in your mailbox! The top three students will receive a gift card! So don’t forget! The zoom meeting starts at 12:40, BE PROMPT


Here’s a preview of tomorrow’s activities.


Aside from tomorrow’s dress-up day, there will also be a guess who game!



VIRTUAL Senior Parent Night

Attention all Seniors! Listen up! VIRTUAL Senior Parent Night is TONIGHT starting at 6pm. It will be Streaming live on facebook and on youtube @hilohighschool. All links will be available on the website. Everything from College, Class Activities and Commencement will be discussed. You have your first opportunity to earn a commencement ticket by attending the meeting with a parent or guardian! There will be a live question and answer session towards the end of the presentation. Attendance will be taken through Google Form.


Leo Club

Hey Vikings! Are you interested in community service? Leo Club allows students to provide service through projects such as beach cleanups, tutoring, and virtual talk-story sessions with kupuna. Interested students should sign up for the Leo Club Google Classroom. CODE: @h5tgpw2



Anyone interested in participating in any sport, please contact the Athletic Director, Kaeo Drummondo @ 313-5600 for more information


Golf Sign Up

For anyone interested in Golf, please contact Coach Randy Pak @ 934-0049 directly.


Now we go to Kalif for the menu


For lunch: Cheese Pizza, Spinach/Romaine Salad, Edamame/Carrot Sticks, Pineapple, and Fresh fruit. Pickup times are from 12:40pm to 1:20 pm


Tomorrow’s Breakfast is: Chicken Patty w/Gravy, Steamed Rice, Fresh Fruit, Power, and Punch Juice. Pickup times are everyday from 7:20am to 7:50am


Thank you Kalif!


This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, and have a great day Vikings!
