Back to School FAQs

Back to School FAQs

  1. A parent may feel concerned about the safety protocols that protect the health of their children. What are the measures Hilo High School is taking to ensure the implementation of the safety protocols set in place?

A:  As an HHS family we are doing our best to abide by the 4 core essential strategies:

1. Promoting vaccinations 2.Universal mask-wearing 3. Hand hygiene 4. Staying home if you are sick.

Getting your vaccine is the #1 way to ensure a safe school, community, and nation

2. If a parent does not feel confident to send their child back to school through in-person learning, what are some alternatives for students to continue their education?

A: Contact an administrator or counselor to look at other options for the student.

At this time Hilo High does not have a distance-learning option. We are working with the state, our staff, and our complex to see what can be done.

If your child has special circumstances contact the administrators or counselors on what can be done, these will be made on a case by case situation


3. If a student would like to make changes in their class schedule, what steps should they take?

A: Contact your counselor, send them an email or give them a call.


4. What are some ways teachers can get in touch with parents, to keep them up to date with their child’s standing in class?

A: Have access to your students' Infinite Campus account. This will give you updates on attendance and grades. Visit our website for more information and help to set up an account

Teachers include their contact information on their syllabus which is given out in class during the first week of school


5. Are you collecting numbers as to how much of the student body is vaccinated at the start of school? And continuing to collect the info if the percentage changes?

A: No, we do not have this information as it is a privacy issue. The department has been working on procedures as to what we can and can’t do. We are currently not at a point where we request this information. But it could be coming soon.

-If you become identified as a close contact there are different procedures to follow. If you are not vaccinated you are required to quarantine for 10 days and get tested. If you are fully vaccinated then you don’t have to quarantine for 10 days if you are asymptomatic. 



6. Will you institute screening testing especially for the non vaccinated? This was also a DOH mitigation strategy?

A: Screening testing for unvaccinated individuals will be something put together by the state and complex. We will share this information once we receive it. The screening testing will be designed for unvaccinated individuals and will be conducted on a weekly basis. This is in our department of health guidance. It will be run by the state and the complex and we will disseminate that information once we receive it. 

7. Are teachers sanitizing desks and chairs after each class?

A: Sanitization after the end of each class is no longer a mitigation strategy recommended by the Department of Health. We are sanitizing students' desks and chairs at the end of each day. Most importantly, our hand hygiene practices when you enter a classroom are in place. You must sanitize your hands when you enter each class.


8. Where’s the school supplies list?

A: The school supply list will be distributed by each teacher in their respective classes. 


9. Will students have to disclose if they have traveled to the mainland...or off-island?

A: We are currently following the state guidelines, if you’ve been fully vaccinated and uploaded the necessary information on the safe travels app then you don’t have to quarantine. If you did not get vaccinated you will need to follow the state procedures and guidelines. If you have to quarantine then you will have to notify the school that you will be absent due to quarantining so we can let the necessary staff and teachers know. 


10. When do the upperclassmen return?

A: Juniors and Seniors return on Thursday, August 5, 2021
