08/24/2021 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin for Tuesday, August 24th, 2021. The periods today are 1-3-5-7. Here’s what's happening today.

9th, 10th and 11th Grade Yearbook Photos

Are you ready to smile for the camera? Yearbook photo taking is TODAY and TOMORROW through your English class. Not sure what to do? Here are some suggestions.

[KVIKS TV Smile Compilation SY 21-22]

Bring your smile and be in appropriate dress standard to take your picture in the LRC. You can fill out a paper order form or order online through Reed Takaaze Photography Studio.

Japan Club

Konnichiwa! Japan Club members, Your next meeting is TODAY in R24, She-ha-ta sensei’s room. In this meeting we will be holding ballots and voting for club officers.

Now, Here’s what’s new Vikings!


Viking Christian Athlete Club

Are you a Viking?  A Christian?  An Athlete?  If you are one or more of these things then you may want to consider joining the Viking Christian Athlete Club!  If you are not a believer yet or even an athlete - it really DOESN'T MATTER!  We are open to ALL VIKINGS! C'mon down to M-108 or see Mr. Masuyama at lunch this Friday for more information!  GO VIKS!

Art Club Meeting Rescheduled

Change of plans, Art Club! We're meeting this Wednesday (8/25) after school from 1:30-2:30 in Ms Z's room. We will NOT be meeting this Friday. 

Military, Career and College Visitations

Good morning, Vikings!  We're excited to inform you that military, career, and college speakers are starting to schedule presentations here on campus.  Our first TWO are this Friday, August 27th.

During pd 2, JUNIORS who are interested in the University of Hawaii at Manoa can listen to speakers from their Manawa Kupono program. During pd 4, ALL VIKINGS who are interested in learning more about the United States Navy, can listen to Petty Officer Holley share information about that branch of the military.

If you are interested in attending any of these sessions, please come to the Learning Resource Center before school, during recess, lunch, or after school to sign up and pick up a pass.  Please see Ms. Lawrence or Mrs. Frias in the LRC.  Remember, you must get signed permission from your teacher to attend the sessions, AND you are responsible for making up anything you miss in class.  We hope to see you at the sessions!  There will be many more to come!


Here is today's - menu.

For wiki, Country Gravy Pizza, Pineapple Chunks and Craisins.

For Lunch: Beef Patty with Gravy, Steamed Carrots & Corn, Sliced Peaches, Pineapple Chunks and a Whole Grain Roll

This concludes today’s announcements. Have a great day Vikings!
