01/07/2022 KVIKS News Bulletin



Aloha Vikings! This is K-V-I-K-S, signing on for your morning news. My name is Anthony, and here are your announcements for Friday,  January 7th, 2022. Today’s periods are 2, 4, and 6.

Here’s What’s Happening Today:

Final Deadline for Yearbook Photos

If you were unable to take your yearbook portrait, and if you want to be in our yearbook this year, you have until today, January 7th, 2022 to do one of the following options. Take a photo in L-4 during lunch or submit your own photo to [email protected]. Again, today is the final deadline!

JROTC Raiders Team

JROTC cadets, are you interested in joining the Raiders team? The JROTC Raider Team focuses on challenging your physical and mental toughness as a team. In Raiders you compete in competitions all across the state. Competitions usually consist of a cross country run, obstacle course, physical fitness test, and other surprise events! By participating in Raider events you will have the opportunity to earn the Raider Arc, cord, and ribbon. 

If you are interested in joining the team or are already a member, please come to the JROTC classroom today, Friday, January 7, afterschool for an informational meeting.

Here’s what’s new Vikings!


School Community Council Meeting

As one of the stakeholders for Hilo High School, School Community Council Chairperson Lucy Ramirez is inviting you to participate in the Hilo High School Community Council Meeting on Monday Jan 10, 2022 from 6-7pm.  The agenda which includes the zoom link can be found on the HHS website.

This is an opportunity for you to share your voice in regards to Hilo High School. The meeting will be to share information on the Academic/Financial Plan as well as updates on what SCC has been doing and upcoming changes to next school year like becoming an Academy school and school uniforms.

Please encourage others -  students, parents, colleagues, and community people to attend and share their thoughts.

Official Hilo High eSports Team

Hows it goin’ gamers? The Hawaii High School Athletics Association is hosting a Super Smash Bros and League of Legends Spring League! If you love playing video games, want to enjoy a fun community of gamers, and compete on a STATE level. Join a team or start a team with your friends, come up with a cool name and sign up! There is a season fee to pay, but it supports the logistics and back end needs of the season. Games are either on Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool with practice times to be determined. Please check out the Hilo High School website at hilohigh.org for the Google Form application and information on joining eSports.

Softball Practice

The Hilo High School Girlsʻ Softball team will hold non-mandatory practices starting on Monday, January 10, 2022 at 3:30 pm at the softball field located at Kapiolani Elementary School (corner of Mohouli and Kinoole Streets). All interested players should bring their equipment, including shoes, glove, bat, and helmet. Anyone with questions can call Assistant Coach Noe at (808) 285-2191.


Here is today's - menu.

For Wiki: Portuguese Sausage with Steamed Rice, Fresh Fruit, and Pineapple Chunks

For Lunch: Sloppy Joe, Wedge Fries, Green Salad, Slushie, and Fresh Fruit

Missed any of these announcements? Please visit hilohigh.org or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @hilohighschool. Check out our website as well at kviks.org. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a great day Vikings!
