Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Tatsuya and here are
your announcements for
Tuesday, November 5th 2019.
To all Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, we will be having our second ASVAB test of the year on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019. The ASVAB test is a must take for anyone interested in joining the military. To sign up or to get more information, see Ms. Taniguchi in A-16 during morning or lunch recess. Spots are limited.
~kviks will be back after these messages~
Wrestling Tryouts
If you are interested in Wrestling for the Hilo High School Wrestling Team, tryouts will be held on November 12, 2019 to November 22, 2019. On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 you will report to the computer lab, room C215 at 3:00 PM. You will need to ensure you have appropriate athletic attire, change of clothes, shower and hygiene items, an a notebook with pen. ALL Varsity football players will let Coach Ryan know your intent to wrestle by November 12. Try out dates for Varsity football will be determined. You will need a current physical to tryout.
Upcoming NHS Meeting
Attention All NHS members! Our next general meeting is on Tuesday, November 5th during 1st recess at the Pool. We will be taking our club yearbook picture, so please be prompt. Remember to wear your new NHS t-shirts on that day! If you haven't picked yours up yet, see Mrs. Frias ASAP. See you on Tuesday!
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Coffee Cake or
Cereal & Whole Grain Toast
For Lunch:
This concludes today’s announcements.
Have a great day Vikings!