Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Ashley
and here are
your announcements for
Thursday, November 7th 2019.
To all Sophomores,
Juniors and Seniors,
we will be having our second ASVAB test of
the year on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019.
The ASVAB test is a must take for
anyone interested in joining the military.
To sign up or to get more information,
see Ms. Taniguchi in A-16 during
morning or lunch recess.
Spots are limited.
Career Fair Opportunity
Hey, Vikings!
The Counseling Department has another great
field trip opportunity for you.
We will be attending the Career Fair on
Thursday, November 14th.
You'll have the chance to speak directly with
professionals in different careers,
who represent all 6 career pathways.
You would need to miss all of pd 1 and
1st recess on November 14th.
You would return to school a few minutes
tardy to pd 3.
Forms can be picked up from
Ms. Lawrence or Ms. Frias in A-1.
Signed forms are due back to A-1 by Nov 12th.
Space is limited to 2 buses -
return your forms ASAP.
~kviks will be back after these messages~
Wrestling Tryouts
If you are interested in Wrestling for
the Hilo High School Wrestling Team,
tryouts will be held on
November 12, 2019 to November 22, 2019.
On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 you
will report to the computer lab,
room C215 at 3:00 PM.
You will need to ensure you have appropriate
athletic attire, change of clothes,
shower and hygiene items,
an a notebook with pen.
ALL Varsity football players
will let Coach Ryan know your intent to
wrestle by November 12.
Try out dates for Varsity football will be determined.
You will need a current physical to tryout.
Class of 2021 Fundraiser
Attention all Juniors!
The Punaluu Fundraiser has started!
We hope you all are having fun trying to
raise as much money as you can for our class.
Don’t forget, the STARS class that
raises the most money will win an
ice cream/pizza party.
Money collection is right around the corner.
We will be collecting from November 12-15 in B35.
Please make sure your order form is
filled out completely and you
have the correct amount of money.
Pick up will be on November 21st and 22nd
during recess, lunch and after school in B35.
Juniors, you will be picking up your
order and delivering it.
Bread and cookies will only be
passed out to Class of 2021 students.
Thank you!
Japan Club Meeting
Ohaiyogozaimasu Japan club members!
Please attend the meeting being held in Shehata senseis room this Friday during lunch. We will be discussing up coming events, see you there!
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Chicken Patty/Biscuit
or Cereal & Whole Grain Toast,
And Pineapple
For Lunch:
Carrots with Edamame,
And an Apple wedge
This concludes today’s announcements.
Have a great day Vikings!