Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Christopher
and here are
your announcements for
Tuesday, November 19th 2019.
Class of 2022 T-Shirt Pre Orders
Pre orders will be taken in Mrs. Araki's room,
Payment will only be accepted from
November 20th through the 22nd.
Shirts are $10.
Community Meeting November 20th
Good morning Vikings!
Hilo High will be having our annual community
meeting on Wednesday, November 20th from
4:45pm - 7pm in the Hilo High Cafeteria.
The community meeting will be a place for students,
parents, teachers, and community members
to make their voice heard.
Hero Point Opportunity
Hey, Vikings!
Listen up for a Hero Point opportunity that
also allows you to give back to your community.
The National Honor Society is
hosting Hilo High School's Annual Food Drive.
Bring your canned or non-perishable food
donations to A-1 until
Tuesday, November 26th.
Donations will be accepted in the
morning before school, and during 1st recess.
You can receive 2 hero points per item,
with a maximum of 20 points able to
be earned per person.
All donations will benefit the
Hawai'i Island Food Basket.
Please give what you can.
Thank you!
Class of 2023 Community Service Project
Attention class of 2023,
with Christmas fast approaching,
we are coming together with
Grand Naniloa to help
with the Christmas Parade in Hilo on
November 30th.
To sign up, please see Ms. Switzer or
Mr. Finley at BB-302 or B-45.
Thank you!
~kviks will be back after these messages~
New Scholarship available
The $5,000 Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation scholarship
is open for application NOW!
Pick up forms, and get more information on
the application process from Mrs. Frias in A-1.
Forms and information can also be found online at: www.hawaii rotary youth
Applications must be sent to only one participating Rotary Club by February 7, 2020. Apply! Apply! Apply!
Bezos Scholars Program
Listen up, Juniors!
This Leadership and Scholarship program is
just for you!
The Bezos Scholars Program is
a year-long leadership program that
amplifies youth voice and action.
Accepted scholars are invited to
attend an all-expenses paid trip to
the Aspen Ideas Festival during the
summer after Junior Year.
During your senior year,
scholars receive ongoing mentorship,
leadership development, and $1,000 to
launch their own community change project.
For more information, see Mrs. Frias in A-1.
NHS Meeting
This reminder is for all
National Honor Society members.
Our next general meeting is
today, November 19th during
FIRST RECESS at the Pool.
Wear your NHS shirts and please
report to the meeting on time.
Softball Conditioning
All those interested in JV and Varsity Softball:
Voluntary conditioning will begin on
Monday, Dec. 2nd at
Kapiolani Elementary's School Ball Field.
3:30 - 5:30PM
Must have current physical on file
prior to conditioning.
Please contact the athletic dept
with any questions.
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Cinnamon Roll or
Cereal & Whole Grain Toast,
Orange, and
For Lunch:
Veggie Sticks w/ dip
Fruit Slushy
This concludes today’s announcements.
Have a great day Vikings!