Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Anthony
and here are
your announcements for
Friday, November 22nd 2019.
Lost and Found
If anyone lost a set of keys on a lanyard on Monday, November 18, Please see Uncle Ben in room AA-02A.
Class of 2022 T-Shirt Pre Orders
Pre orders will be taken in Mrs. Araki's room,
Payment will only be accepted from
November 20th through the 22nd.
Shirts are $10.
Class of 2020 Cap and Gown Deadline
Please order your cap and gowns
BEFORE Dec. 1st to avoid a
$20 late fee! See Ms Arbles
with any questions.
Also, please make sure you've
checking your emails for
graduation announcements
and reminders.
Thank you!
~kviks will be back after these messages~
New Scholarship available
Listen Up, Seniors! There are many new scholarships available this week!
The Fukunaga Scholarship is open to any graduating senior planning to attend a 4-year college or university next Fall and major in an area of Business. This scholarship could be worth $5,000 every year of college for a total of $20,000! Applications are available online. Come to A-1 for more information.
Bezos Scholars Program
Listen up, Juniors! This Leadership/Scholarship program is just for you! The Bezos Scholars Program is a year-long leadership program that amplifies youth voice and action. Accepted scholars are invited to attend an all-expenses paid trip to the Aspen Ideas Festival during the summer after Junior Year. During your senior year, scholars receive ongoing mentorship, leadership development, and $1,000 to launch their own community change project. For more information, see Mrs. Frias in A-1.
Softball Conditioning
All those interested in JV and Varsity Softball:
Voluntary conditioning will begin on Monday Dec. 2nd at Kapiolani Elem. School Ball Field.
3:30 - 5:30PM
Must have current physical on file prior to conditioning.
Please contact the athletic dept with any questions.
JV and Varsity Baseball Conditioning
All those interested in participating in JV or Varsity Baseball, voluntary conditioning starts on Monday, November 25 at 3:30 PM at Wong Stadium.
You must have a current physical on file with the athletic department before participating.
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Portuguese Sausage
Fried Rice or
Cereal & Whole Grain Toast,
And an Apple Wedge
For Lunch:
Rainbow Salad,
And an Orange
This concludes today’s announcements.
Have a great day Vikings!