Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is John and here are
your announcements for
Monday, December 16th 2019.
Alumni College Fair
Hey, Vikings! Want to hear about college experiences from some of our own alumni? We will be having a Mini Alumni College Fair on Monday, December 16th beginning at 11:00am (during pd 4) through the end of lunch. If you would like to attend during pd 4, please come to A-1 to pick up a pass. If you cannot miss class but would still like to talk to our students, everyone is welcome to check it out during lunch. We hope to see you there!
Class of 2023 Homecoming Volunteer Dancers
Attention Class Of 2023! For homecoming, we would like people who would volunteer to dance for the Class. If you're interested, please come to room BB-302, (Mr. Finley's room) to sign up. Thank you!
JROTC Donation Collection
Hilo High School JROTC is
collecting donations of travel sized
toiletries such as shampoo,
conditioner, shaving cream, disposable razors, etc.
For the Hilo High
JROTC Service Learning Project
"Meeting the People In Front of Me."
Donations can be brought to the
JROTC Classroom at anytime between
November 17th and December 15th.
Thank you!
Canned Food Drive
Attention ℅ 2020
‘Tis the season of giving and we want to give back to our community by having a can food drive
Starting from Monday, December 16th to Friday, December 20th we will be collecting all food donations in room A12B.
All grades are welcome to donate
You can stop by anytime from 7:30 till lunch
Thank you!
~kviks will be back after these messages~
Hilo High Wrestling Tournament
Aloha Hilo High School, Ready for an action packed Saturday???? Well, this Saturday December 14th, at 10am our Wrestling Team will be hosting there first regular season tournament here at Hilo High School. We ask for your support for these competitive athletes by acknowledging their hard work, commitment, and sacrifice with your presence. GO VIKS!
Hilo High Judo Team Sign Up
Anyone interested in joining the Boys/Girls Judo Team?!?!
Sign Up Meeting for the 2020 Season will be held on December 18th at 1:30pm in the Pool Bleacher area.
No judo experience necessary!!!
Baseball Tryouts
JV Baseball tryouts will be held on December 16, 2019
at Wong Stadium from 3:30 PM.
You must have a current physical to tryout.
Softball Tryouts
JV Softball tryouts will be held on December 16,
2019 - December 18, 2019
at Kapiolani Field from 3:30 PM.
You must have a current physical to tryout.
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Pizza Bagel or
Cereal & Whole Grain Toast,
And an Orange
For Lunch:
Steamed Carrots,
And an Orange
Don't forget Vikings, all this information is
available on the Hilo High Website by
clicking on the "News" tab.
Have a great day Vikings!