Aloha Vikings!
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Chris and here are
your announcements for
Thursday, December 19th 2019.
Class of 2023 Homecoming Volunteer Dancers
Attention Class Of 2023! For homecoming, we would like people who would volunteer to dance for the Class. If you're interested, please come to room BB-302, (Mr. Finley's room) to sign up. Thank you!
Canned Food Drive
Attention Class of 2020
‘Tis the season of giving and we want to give back to our community by having a can food drive
Until Friday, December 20th we will be collecting all food donations in room A12B.
All grades are welcome to donate
You can stop by anytime from 7:30 till lunch
Thank you!
Hilo High Boys Tennis
-To all boys and girls interested in playing Tennis, please get your physicals done now before tryouts.
-Tryouts start Monday, Feb. 10th at the Hilo Intermediate Tennis Courts.
-Any questions, please see coach Leanne in F-Bldg.
Thank you!
Future Farmers of America Club
Are you interested in the outdoors? Do you like to travel?
Join Hilo High's FFA (Future Farmers of America) Club!
We will be participating in monthly competitions that involve
vegetable grading, corsage making, tractor driving, plant identification,
and team building activities!
Come to Room P-4 or talk to Mr. PaoPao for more information.
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Chicken Patty/WG Rice
or Cereal & WG Toast
For Lunch:
Lomi Tomato
Don't forget Vikings, all this information is
available on the Hilo High Website by
clicking on the "News" tab.
Have a great day Vikings!