01/08/2020 KVIKS Morning Bulletin

 This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. 

 My name is Christopher and here are 

 your announcements for 

 Wednesday, January 8th 2020.

Start of Commencement Song Practices

Seniors!  Your commencement song practices are starting on January 13th.  Every Monday beginning January 13th, please report directly to the Pool when pd 2 ends.  Song practice begins at the start of 1st recess. Anyone who reports more than 5 minutes late will be considered absent for that day's practice and will lose that ticket.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Arbles.

Class of 2023 T-Shirt Pickup

Good morning Class of 2023, our class T-Shirts have come in!

To pick up your pre-ordered T-shirt, please come to Mr. Finley's Room (BB-302) during Wiki or Lunch.  Mahalo!

New Scholarships Available

We have several new Scholarships available in A-1 for Seniors!

Scholarships such as the,

Hawaii Jiu Jitsu Kimono Scholarship for $500

Hui Okinawa Scholarship for $1,000

And the AES Engineers Scholarship for $500

Come to A-1 to check out the Scholarship Binder.  The only way you can earn scholarship money is to APPLY!

~kviks will be back after these messages~

Performance Art Registration Meeting

The Performing Arts Learning Center, PALC, will hold 2 registration meetings for semester 2.  You only need to attend one of the two meetings. The first is meeting is Tuesday, January 14, from 3-4:30 pm.  The second meeting is Wednesday, January 15, from 3-4:30 pm.

PALC is an after school program where students can participate in theatre.  Students receive a 1/2 credit for their participation. This semester, the project is the musical Mamma Mia!  We're seeking actors, singers, dancers, and stage hands. Come to one of the registration meetings to learn more, or see Ms. Seaquist in the auditorium during lunch recess.  Happy New Year!

WaterPolo Preseason Practice

Preseason practices have started 

-monday through friday from 5:30 to 7:00

-saturdays from 8:00-11:00

@ the hilo high pool 

attire :

-one piece (fitted) bathing suit (game suit provided depending on size needed)

-latex swimming cap (will be provided)

-goggles (optional)

10 Grade Student Council Fundraiser

10th Grade Student Council will be taking preorders of Salti Gear Lemonade for $7 a Mason Jar. The four flavors of the lemonades are Lilikoi & Lychee, Mango & Lihing Mui, Strawberry & Vanilla, and Melona. We will be taking preorders at the front of the Auditorium from the 8th-13th at Recess and Lunch. Please support the 10th Grade class. Go Dragons!

Hotdog Jam Fundraiser

Hey Vikings!  The 6th Annual, Hilo Complex Bands, Hot Dog Jam Fundraising Event is happening on February 15 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at our own Hilo High Gym.  Tickets are $7.00 (pre-sold) or $10.00 at the door. Please see any band member or Mrs. Yokoe to purchase yours by Jan 23. Mahalo for your support!

Boys and Girls Tennis

All boys and girls interested in playing Tennis, please see Coach Leanne in F-Bldg to sign-up ( for both returning and new players.)

As a reminder, no physical, no tryout!

Physical forms can be picked up at the main office.


Here is today’s menu.

 For Wiki: 

Pork Sausage w/ Rice

or Cereal & WG Toast



For Lunch



Veggie Sticks w/ dip


Don't forget Vikings, all this information is

 available on the Hilo High Website by

 clicking on the "News" tab.  

Have a great day Vikings!
