01/21/2020 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


 This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. 

My name is Pressley and here are your announcements for

Tuesday, January 21st 2020.

Attention all students:  If you did receive your report card for Semester 1 yet, please see Ms. Lawrence in A-1 before school, recess, lunch, or after school.


ASVAB Testing sign ups have started. See Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to sign up for the February 6th ASVAB. 

AP Fee Collection

All AP students, AP fee collection has begun. See Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to pay for your AP tests. Last day to pay will be January 31, 2020. AP cost is as follows:

Non-free/reduced eligible: $44 per test

Free/reduced eligible with a turned in waiver form: $12 per test


Fine Arts Awards


Josephine Mischon in winning a Scholastic Arts Gold Key Award for her oil painting "Concurrent" 

Emilia Wagner-Prekaski for winning a Gold key for her oil painting "Cute Friend"

and three Silver keys for her oil paintings, "Sleep Paralysis" "Bloody Oranges" and "Future Food"  

Julia Scharf for winning an Honorable mention for her Photograph "Self Made"

Both Gold Key Paintings will be submitted in the national scholastic arts competition! 

All gold and silver key winners will have their art showcased at the Hawaii State Art museum in Oahu February 15th-March.

Everyone is very proud of you all, Keep shining!

Western Oregon University

Western Oregon University Visitation:

Nolan Arasato of Western Oregon University will be visiting us on Friday, January 31, 2020 during Pd. 2.  If interested in this presentation come see me Ms. Lawrence in Rm. A-1 for your pass! See you then!

Hot Dog Jam Fundraiser

Hey Vikings!  The 6th Annual, Hilo Complex Bands, Hot Dog Jam Fundraising Event is happening on February 15 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at our own Hilo High Gym.  Tickets are $7.00 (pre-sold) or $10.00 at the door. Please see any band member or Mrs. Yokoe to purchase yours by Jan 23. Mahalo for your support!

Here is today’s menu.

For Wiki:

Pancake with syrup or

Cereal & Whole Grain Toast,


And Apple Wedge

For Lunch:




Veggie Sticks with dip,

And an Orange

Don't forget Vikings, all this information is

 available on the Hilo High Website by

 clicking on the "News" tab.  

Have a great day Vikings!
