This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Nazzzz and here are your announcements for
Friday, January 24th 2020.
Hey, Seniors! This announcement is for you! How many of you still need to do your FAFSA? What are you waiting for? Get on it! Luckily for you, we will be having one last FAFSA completion workshop on Tuesday, February 4th @ 5pm. All of you should have received an email from Mrs. Frias, and your parents should have as well. The email includes an RSVP link, and tells you everything you need to do BEFORE attending on Feb 4th. Check your email, talk to your parents, and see Mrs. Frias in A-1 if you have any questions. Thank you!
PTP Student Workday
Aloha Juniors, on Sunday, January 26th, we will be having a PTP student workday and parents are invited to attend. The work session will be held at the library from 4:00pm to 6:00 pm. An RSVP was sent to your parent's Viking emails. If they did not receive an email, see Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to RSVP. Come attend and finish your PTP. Thank you!
ASVAB Testing sign ups have started. See Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to sign up for the February 6th ASVAB.
AP Fee Collection
All AP students, AP fee collection has begun. See Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to pay for your AP tests. Last day to pay will be January 31, 2020. AP cost is as follows:
Non-free/reduced eligible: $44 per test
Free/reduced eligible with a turned in waiver form: $12 per test
~Kviks will be back after these messages~
Scholastic Arts Awards
Josephine Mischon in winning a Scholastic Arts Gold Key Award for her oil painting "Concurrent"
Emilia Wagner-Prekaski for winning a Gold key for her oil painting "Cute Friend"
and three Silver keys for her oil paintings, "Sleep Paralysis" "Bloody Oranges" and "Future Food"
Julia Scharf for winning an Honorable mention for her Photograph "Self Made"
Both Gold Key Paintings will be submitted in the national scholastic arts competition!
All gold and silver key winners will have their art showcased at the Hawaii State Art museum in Oahu February 15th-March.
Everyone is very proud of you all, Keep shining!
Water Polo Preseason Practices
water polo preseason practices have started
-monday through friday from 5:30 to 7:00
-saturdays from 8:00-11:00
@ the hilo high pool
attire :
-one piece (fitted) bathing suit (game suit provided depending on size needed)
-latex swimming cap (will be provided)
-goggles (optional)
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Gingerbread Cake/Yogurt
or Cereal & WG Toast
For Lunch:
Rainbow Salad
Don't forget Vikings, all this information is
available on the Hilo High Website by
clicking on the "News" tab.
Have a great day Vikings!