Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Joseph and here are your announcements for
Monday, Febuary 3rd 2020.
AP Fee Collection
Hey all you AP students! Friday is the last day to pay for your AP tests. Go to B35 to pay for your tests.
AP fees is as follows:
Non-Free/Reduced is $44 per test
Free/Reduced eligible with submitted waiver to obtain information form is $12 per test
Hey, Seniors! This announcement is for you! How many of you still need to do your FAFSA? What are you waiting for? Get on it! Luckily for you, we will be having one last FAFSA completion workshop on Tuesday, February 4th @ 5pm. All of you should have received an email from Mrs. Frias, and your parents should have as well. The email includes an RSVP link, and tells you everything you need to do BEFORE attending on Feb 4th. Check your email, talk to your parents, and see Mrs. Frias in A-1 if you have any questions. Thank you!
Aloha Ambassadors
Calling all our Aloha Ambassadors.
This is a reminder that we will be meeting in K101 during
lunch recess on Tuesday-Feb 4.
Please come on time with your aloha. See you there. Mahalo nui.
Valentine's Day Roses
Valentine’s Day is in less than
a month and the student association
will be selling roses.
Preorders will happen in
front of A16 from
Monday, January 27th to
Friday, January 31st during
recess and lunch. Pickup and anonymous delivery will occur on Valentines Day, Friday,
February 14th.
There will be single roses with
baby’s breath and
three-rose bouquets also with
baby’s breath available for preorder. Single roses will be $3.50 and
three-rose bouquets will be $9.00,
cash only.
On the Spot Applications Sessions
Good morning, Seniors! Still thinking about applying for college? Want to go to college, but not ready to leave Hawaii? We have an offer for you that you can't pass up! The University of Hawaii at Hilo and Chaminade University on Oahu are partnering up to hold FREE Decision-On-The-Spot application sessions at Hilo High School on February 5th during lunch and pd 6. See Mrs. Frias ASAP to sign up for an appointment for one or both of the Universities.
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) will be visiting here with us on Monday, February 3, 2020.
Please come to Room A-1 to pick up your pass to attend this presentation which is coming up soon!
Golf Tryouts
The 2020 Boys and Girls Golf Team will be having tryouts starting February 10, 2020 at the Hilo Muni Golf Course. Meet at 3:00 PM.
You must have a current physical, golf equipment and green fees. Please call Coach Randy Pak at 934-0049 if you are planning to tryout.
Tennis Tryouts
To all Boys & Girls planning to tryout for tennis, you can still sign up with coach Leanne in F-Bldg. Remember- physicals need to be done in order to tryout. Forms can be picked up at the front office if needed. Tryouts will be Feb. 10 -12. Boys start at 3pm and girls at 4pm at the Hilo Intermediate courts. Those currently in another sport that can't make the tryout dates, please let coach Leanne know. Thanks!
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Pancake Wrap or
Cereal & WG Toast
For Lunch:
Sweet Potato
Don't forget Vikings, all this information is
available on the Hilo High Website by
clicking on the "News" tab.
Have a great day Vikings!