Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Joseph and here are your announcements for Monday, February 10th, 2020.
HERO Point Opportunity!
Do you want to earn more HERO points? You can earn FIVE! Yes, 5 HERO points for doing after-school HI 5 recycling here on campus! Go to Ms. Crowl's room to signup in advance to do an after-school recycling shift. ALL students can participate and you DON'T have to belong to any clubs! On-campus HI 5 recycling is a Global Action Project by the Hilo High Pacific and Asian Affairs Council.
Class of 2021 Lunchtime PTP Work Sessions
Hey, Juniors in the class of 2021! In addition to working on your PTP during STARS, we will be starting to hold Lunchtime PTP work sessions every Monday and Wednesday for the rest of this quarter in A-1. You do not need to sign up for a session - just borrow a chromebook from a nearby classroom and come in to work. There will be 7 lunch sessions between now and the end of the quarter, for the exact dates, please visit the Hilo High School website. Please remember that your PTP is due in May of this year. You can do this, Juniors! Be the first class that is actually done with the PTP before Senior year!
Class of 2022 Lemonade Pre-order Extension
The class of 2022 will be extending Salti-Gear lemonade pre-orders for $7. There are four flavors: Lilikoi lychee, Lihing Mui mango, strawberry vanilla and melona. You can pre-order yours at the front of the auditorium during lunch from February 10 to 14.
National Honor Society General Meeting
The next general meeting will be Tuesday, February 11th during 1st recess at the Pool. Remember to wear your club shirts and be on time!
AVID Valentines Day Cards, Deadline Extended
The AVID class of 2022 has extended its time to make Valentine's Day cards. Come to A-02B, Mrs. Blair's room at lunch from Feb.10-Feb.14 to customize your own card/letter for a Valentine. Each card will only be $1 but come with a bonus. For every card you make, you get a free lollipop!! The last day to make cards will be at the end of Lunch on Friday, February 14, 2020.
KVIKS will be back after these messages.
Boys Volleyball Tryouts
Official Boys Volleyball Tryouts (for those not participating in a winter sport)
February 10, 11, 12, 2020 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ HHS Gym
You must have a current physical and signed acknowledgement form to participate
New Scholarships available in A-1 for Seniors!
Hey Seniors, there are plenty of new scholarships available in A-1 such as
Star Advertiser Citizen Scholar Award - $1,000 and attend an award luncheon on Oahu - Due to Mrs. Frias by February 21, 2020
Kinoole Farmer's Market Scholarship for students pursuing a major in an Agriculture Field - $1,000 - due March 31, 2020
For a full list of new scholarships, go to the Hilo High School Website, hover over News, and select: College/Career
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Breakfast Sliders or
Cereal & Whole Grain Toast
Apple Wedge
For Lunch:
HOT DOG/Whole Grain BUN
Veggie Stick w/ dip
Fruit Slushy
As a reminder Vikings, there will be a spirit rally today, tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday on the dangers of Distracted Driving. Participate in our dress up days, and attend the rallies for HERO Points and awesome information. Don’t forget, there is no school on Wednesday February 12 for Teachers Institute Day!
This concludes today’s announcements, have a great day Vikings!