Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Braysha and here are your announcements for Monday, February 24th, 2020.
Unreceived Mid-Quarter Three Reports
Attention All Students: If you did not receive your Mid-Quarter Three Progress Report, please come to Rm. A-1 to pick it up as soon as you are able to.
Royal May Day Court Meeting
Calling our Royal May Day Court wahine. This is a reminder that there is a meeting TODAY during lunch in Kumu ʻAwaʻs room. Please make sure that you attend and are there for the information that we will be sharing. Please bring your May Day folder that was given to you. Mahalo nui loa.
Junior Prom Payment Deadline Extension
Class of 2021 will be extending Packet Payment until February 28, 2020. Students will be allowed to pick up bids from February 21-February 28. Packet Payment and bids will be done in front of the office during lunch everyday.
Class of 2022 T-Shirt Pickup
The class of 2022 will be distributing purchased t-shirts during the week of February 24th-28th in Mrs. Araki's room C-209. Make sure to bring your receipts! There will be extra shirts available for purchase for $10 as well. Thank you for supporting your Class of 2022.
Banyan Drive Clean-up
Hey class of 2023 Freshmen! Your class will be having a Banyan Drive Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 4th starting at 8am! If you are interested in helping, please see Ms. Switzer in B-45 or Mr. Finley in BB-302. At least 25 students are needed in order to make this possible. The deadline to join is March 1st.
KVIKS will be back after these messages.
National Honor Society Meeting
Your next general meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25th during 1st recess at the Pool. You have 2 service projects going on right now, and more member participation is required.
Malasada Day
The Student Association will be holding a rally during lunch in front of the auditorium on Monday, February 24, 2020. A fun game is planned & malasadas will be distributed.
Clinical Laboratory of Hawaii - Thursday, February 27, 2020 @8:45 am(Pd.1)
Paul Mitchell in Honolulu - Thursday, March 5, 2020 @1:15 pm(Pd. 7)
Come to Room A-1 to sign up and pick up your pass. See you then!
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Pizza Bagel or
Cereal & WG Toast
Apple Wedge
For Lunch:
Sliced Carrots
Sliced Peaches
If you missed the Senior Variety Show titled, “Hilo’s Got Talent” this past Saturday, check out the Hilo High School YouTube page to re-watch the live stream!
Thank you for watching, have a great day Vikings!