Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Anthony and here are your announcements for Friday, February 28th, 2020.
May Day Performers
Do you have a group that wants to perform in this yearʻs May Day on May 8th? If so, send a representative to Kumu ʻAwaʻs room during morning recess on Wednesday, March 4th. She will be giving you a form to fill out for May Day. If you have any questions, please see Kumu ʻAwa or Mr. Fernandez. Mahalo nui loa.
Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps
It's the final week for you to apply to the Hawai‘i Youth Conservation Corps Summer Program, and Kupu is looking for individuals 17 years and older to take part. Participants will be exposed to a variety of ecosystems, natural resource management techniques and cultural practices. Gain valuable experiential education, build close relationships with their peers and industry professionals, further develop their own personal skills in the areas of leadership, organization, teamwork, and decision-making. This experience is a unique opportunity to grow, spending a summer outdoors within some of the most stunning natural locations that Hawai‘i has to offer.
Hilo High Shopping Points
Do you ever go grocery shopping with your parents? Do they ever send you out to do the shopping for the family? For the next 5 weeks until March 31st, tell your family and friends to do their grocery shopping at Sack-N-Save, to help Hilo High School to earn points toward more scholarships! All they need to do is let the cashier know at the time of checkout, that they would like their points to go to Hilo High! Come on, Viks! Shop for Hilo High School!
Class of 2022 T-Shirt Pickup
The class of 2022 will be distributing purchased t-shirts this week in Mrs. Araki's room C-209. Make sure to bring your receipts! There will be extra shirts available for purchase for $10 as well. Thank you for supporting your Class of 2022.
Banyan Drive Clean-up
Hey class of 2023 Freshmen! Your class will be having a Banyan Drive Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 4th starting at 8am! If you are interested in helping, please see Ms. Switzer in B-45 or Mr. Finley in BB-302. At least 25 students are needed in order to make this possible. The deadline to join is March 1st.
Aloha Ambassadors Meeting
Just a reminder that the Aloha Ambassadors will be having their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd, during lunch recess in Kumu ʻAwaʻs room. Please be on time.
Japan Club Meeting
Japan club will be having a club meeting TODAY, during lunch in Shehata senseis room. Please attend as the club will be talking about upcoming events.
JROTC Awards and Recognition Ceremony
Aloha Vikings! Please come out and show your support for the Hilo High School JROTC Program TODAY, during lunch in front of the auditorium, as they take the time to award and recognize the achievements of outstanding Cadets within the program. The Hilo High School JROTC was also recently awarded the Honor Unit with Distinction: the highest honor for a JROTC program.
Special Scholarship Opportunity
This scholarship is only available to Hilo High School seniors who will be attending either UH Hilo or UH Manoa in Fall 2020. The family of G and M Nishiyama and N and J Haraguchi would like to award two $5,000 scholarships to qualified students. Applications are available in A-1 and are due to Mrs. Frias by April 1, 2020.
New Scholarships
Hey, Seniors! There are new scholarships available!
These New Scholarships include:
UH Manoa Ho'oilina Travel Industry Scholarship - amount varies - deadline March 2, 2020
Foodland Shop for Higher Education Scholarship - $2,000 - deadline March 27, 2020
Kiewit Building Group Scholarship - $2,500 - deadline March 31, 2020
Come to A-1 to check out the full list of new available scholarships this week!
Paul Mitchell in Honolulu - Thursday, March 5, 2020 @1:15 pm(Pd. 7)
Cal Poly State University - Tuesday, March 24, 2020 @1:15 pm(Pd. 7)
Come to Room A-1 to sign up and pick up your pass. See you then!
Early College Application
Any students who are still interested in Early College, but didn't pick up an application packet last week, please come to Mrs. Frias in A-1 to get one now, or to ask any questions. Applications are due by March 9th to be considered.
Here is today’s menu.
For Wiki:
Breakfast Chicken Patty
Steamed Rice or
Cereal & WG Toast
For Lunch:
Veggie Sticks w/ dip
Spinach/Romaine Salad
Thank you for watching, have a great day Vikings!