03/9/2020 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings

This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. 

My name is Braysha and here are your announcements for Monday, March 9th, 2020.

Reminder for May Day Performers

If you are planning to perform during this yearʻs May Day on May 8th (both shows), please remember to turn in your Intent to Participate form to Kumu ʻAwa no later than This Thursday, March 12th.  If you have any questions, please feel free to see Kumu ʻAwa in K101 or Mr. Fernandez in P3.

Hilo High Shopping Points

Do you ever go grocery shopping with your parents?  Do they ever send you out to do the shopping for the family?  For the next 5 weeks until March 31st, tell your family and friends to do their grocery shopping at Sack-N-Save, to help Hilo High School to earn points toward more scholarships!  All they need to do is let the cashier know at the time of checkout, that they would like their points to go to Hilo High! Come on, Viks! Shop for Hilo High School!  

NHS Book Drive

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community?  Do you also need HERO points? You're in luck! The National Honor Society is collecting new or gently used CHILDREN'S BOOKS to donate to Keaukaha Elementary School.  Collection will be in A-1 this week, from March 9-13. You can earn 2 Hero Points for every book donated, with a maximum of 20 points earned per person. Our goal is to collect and donate 200 books - so step up and help, Vikings!

Reminder for NHS Members

There will be no general meeting this week, but all members are expected to support our Book Drive.  Bring your donation of a new or gently used children's book to A-1 anytime Monday - Friday this week.  Please see Mrs. Frias or Mr. Sato if you have any questions.

KVIKS will be back after these messages.

US Army Visitation

The United States Army will be visiting us on Thursday, March 12, 2020 @9:55am during Pd. 3.  Come to Room A-1 to sign up and receive a pass to attend their presentation. See you then! 


Cal Poly State University - Tuesday, March 24, 2020 @1:15 pm(Pd. 7)

Northern Arizona University - Wednesday, April 1, 2020 @10:00 am(Pd. 4)

Come to Room A-1 to sign up and pick up your pass. See you then!

Here is today’s menu.

For Wiki:

Pizza Bagel or

Cereal & WG Toast


Sliced Peaches

For Lunch:




Corn/Crinkle Carrots

Hey class of 2020! This week is Senior Week! Tomorrow is Teen Beach Tuesday, come dressed as a Surfer or Biker and see which side wins! 

This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, have a great day Vikings!
