Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Jazz and here are your announcements for Tuesday March 31st, 2020.
Yesterday was the official start of our, “fourth quarter”. Although we are not in school, we are doing what people call, distance learning. This means that if you have an electronic device, you can continue to learn and do assignments from email and Google Classroom! However, for those who do not have access to technology, physical enrichment packets will be made available to them. More information will be available regarding these packets as it is made available!
The school is working tirelessly to organize and prepare distance learning for you. We ask that you kindly cooperate and participate!
Here is a schedule of events that we would like to share with you. On Monday’s, your even periods will be providing a form of instruction. On Tuesday’s, your odd periods will be providing a form of instruction. On Wednesdays, hopefully starting next week, physical packets for those who require them will be distributed on campus or through mail! Thursday is reserved for teacher meetings and Friday is what we call, “office hours” where teachers make themselves available through online means or email to answer questions.
Some teachers may be using video conferencing software such as Zoom or Webex! If you need help, go to and check out the tutorials listed under: Tech Tutorials.
Do you still need access to your Viking account? Ask your teacher for assistance first, and they will guide you to our tech department for assistance.
The KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin will attempt to be made available at least once a week, or at least on Monday and Tuesday. However, additional information may also be made through special posts on our social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube! Stay connected Vikings!
To conclude today’s announcements, we would like to play for you the Hawaiian Value of the Week for last week, and this week.
Try to apply those two values this week, and continually as we make it through this pandemic.
This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, have a great day Vikings!