Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Tats and here are your announcements for Wednesday April 1st, 2020.
To begin our broadcast, we would like to play for you the Hawaiian Value of the Week.
As you saw, this week, we are focusing on the quality of honesty and fairness. When it comes to doing assignments from home during the quarantine, how can you apply this value? These are some things to think about, and we hope you all honestly do your assignments.
Today, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions that parents and students have been submitting through phone and [email protected].
These questions are regarding the Technology Readiness Survey.
Question: I was sent an email or phone call asking to take the Technology Readiness Survey at Do I have to keep submitting a response every time?
Answer: No. Only one response per student is required.
Question: My student does not have access to the internet or technology, will something be provided for them?
Answer: If your student does not have access to such technology, they can select NONE on both technology questions on the survey and they will be assigned to receive a paper packet. However, if this is found out after the fact, please contact the school by email: [email protected]
Question: My student is struggling to do assignments on their devices, can they switch receiving paper enrichment packets for all their teachers?
Answer: Yes, please contact the HHS Main Office at (808) 313-5500 or email: [email protected]
Question: My student has access to Internet and Technology, would they receive a physical enrichment packet too?
Answer: If one of their teachers is not providing an electronic provision, they will most likely be preparing a physical one. Although your student may primarily receive enrichment through electronic means, they will still receive a packet for the teachers that opted to use only paper.
For more questions and answers, please visit our official website,, and click on the frequently asked questions article on the main page.
As a reminder Vikings, news specifically regarding HIDOE and Hilo High School’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is available in one category. Hover over News, and click on COVID-19.
This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, be safe, and have a great day Vikings!