Aloha Vikings This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Jazz and here are your announcements for Thursday April 2nd, 2020.
The Hilo High School Athletics and Hilo Athletic Committee Steak-fry scheduled for April 19, 2020 has been suspended and will be re-scheduled at a later date. All purchased tickets will be honored when a new date is set and announced. Thank-you for your cooperation and support.
Today, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions that parents and students have been submitting through phone and [email protected].
These questions are regarding Hilo High School’s Electronic Distance Learning Method.
Hilo High School has determined that teachers will be available for instruction on Monday for EVEN periods and Tuesday for ODD periods. On these days, Teachers may either distribute assignments in advance and be available for questions, or hold teleconferencing per period with their students using either CISCO Webex or ZOOM. Parents, please be aware of the capabilities of these teleconferencing systems and monitor that these provisions are not being abused.
Question: Will teachers be sending electronic or enrichment assignments every day/week?
Answer: Teachers will send assignments at their own discretion.
Question: Will parents receive an email of the electronic assignments?
Answer: No. The system in place is between the individual student and teachers.
Question: How will students receive electronic assignments?
Answer: Students will be sent assignments directly through either email or Google Classroom through their account.
Question: Will these assignments be graded?
Answer: According to the Hawaii State Department of Education, Work packets will not be graded, but many teachers are identifying unique ways to provide feedback to students. Of course, this is subject to change.
Question: My student forgot their credentials to their viking account
Answer: Students can ask their teacher for support. If anything, the teacher can request a password change.
For more questions and answers, please visit our official website,, and click on the frequently asked questions article on the main page.
As a reminder Vikings, news specifically regarding HIDOE and Hilo High School’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is available in one category. Hover over News, and click on COVID-19.
Grab-and-go breakfast and lunch at Waiakea High School
This week, the Hawaii DOE has been providing grab and go breakfasts and lunches on every week day. The site nearest Hilo High School is Waiakea High School. Starting next week, Hilo Union Elementary will be providing meals. Meals are available to any child who is 18 years or younger, go early as they may run out by the end of the service hour. Breakfast is served from 7:30am to 8am, lunch is served at 11:30am to 12 noon. All meals will be placed in a container with all the meal components. Single-serving portions of milk will also be arranged for easy access.
If you are watching this before 11:30, lunch today is Baked Chicken w/ Gravy, Rice, Carrots and Edamame, Apple wedges, Orange, and a Roll
Breakfast tomorrow is Banana Bread, Pineapple chunks, Orange Wedge and Yogurt
This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, be safe, and have a great day Vikings!