Aloha Vikings
This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin.
My name is Jazz and here are your announcements for Friday, August 28th, 2020.
Today’s schedule is 2, STARS, 4, 6.
Distance Learning Extended
HIDOE announced that distance learning has been extended to the end of first quarter, October 2. For full details and information, please visit the Hilo High Website.
Sophomore Class T-Shirt Design and Order form
Sophomores, Remember to check your viking email accounts for class t-shirt information and to vote for your class t-shirt design. If you have any questions or need an order form, please email Ms. Switzer at [email protected]. The deadline to submit order forms and vote for a t-shirt design is TOMORROW, Saturday (08/29) at 6 pm.
PALC Virtual Registration
The Performing Arts Learning Center is accepting students into their program for the first semester. PALC is an after school program where you can earn a half a credit for studying theatre arts. This semester, all classes will be online distance learning. We have classes in acting, singing, technical theatre, and play writing. Interested? Go to to complete an application form and receive a link to our orientation on Zoom. Email Jackie Seaquist at [email protected] for more information.
KVIKS TV Morning Announcement Anchors
Interested in becoming a part of the morning announcements? Become a KVIKS TV anchor! No experience is necessary. Auditions required. If you are interested, please fill out the form on the Hilo High Website or go to
Now we go to Pono for the menu.
Today’s grab and go lunch is:
Spaghetti w/Meat, Pineapple, WG French Bread, Spinach/Romaine Salad, Veggie Sticks w/Dip/Bananas
Pickup will be available from 11:50am to 12:30pm.
Monday’s grab and go breakfast is:
Pepperoni Pizza Sticks, Pears, Power Punch Juice
Breakfast pickup will be available from 7:20am to 7:50am
Thank you Pono. Freshmen! Just a reminder, you will be voting on your class colors and class mascot TODAY during STARS. This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, and have a great day Vikings!