Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Ashley and here are your announcements for Monday, September 1st, 2020. Today’s schedule is 1, 3, 5, 7.
Attention all new students and freshmen! We are having a new student orientation livestream on Wednesday, September 2. Streaming details will be on the Hilo High website at All freshmen are encouraged to attend so that you can hear all the information you missed from your original Freshmen Only day back in August. The event will be happening from 5:30pm-7:00pm and will be covering topics such as Activities, Chapter-19, and other topics regarding the changes of this school year. Again, the livestream is on Wednesday, September 2 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. See you then!
Listen up Vikings! This is important. We are going to go over the virtual learning bell schedule so that all of us are on the same page.
Access to this bell schedule is on our website at When you get to our main page, click on bell schedule. You can also hover over SY 20-21 on the navigation bar, and click on Bell schedule.
On Monday and Wednesday, it is a 2-4-6 schedule. Grab and Go lunch is from: 12:40pm-1:20pm
On Tuesday and Thursday, it is a 1-3-5-7 schedule. Grab and Go lunch is from: 12:25pm-1:05pm
On Friday, we have an alternating schedule between 1-3-5-7 and 2-STARS-4-6. That’s right, STARS is now on FRIDAYS! Last week Friday was 2-STARS-4-6, and a lot of you forgot to attend. Additionally, school gets out earlier on Fridays, on EVEN Fridays, school ends at:12:30pm, on Odd Fridays, school ends at 1:15pm.
Even the grab and go lunch schedule is different on Fridays, it is 11:50am-12:30pm for EVENS and 12:35pm-1:15pm for ODDs.
The next question you might have is: How do we know what periods it is on Friday? If you go to the Bell Schedule page on our website, you can click on the link that takes you to a Google Sheet with all the Friday rotations.
We understand that we provided multiple bell schedules in the past, but the one we are using right now is called: 2020-2021 School Year - Virtual Learning Schedule. We will be following this schedule for the entire First Quarter.
Now we go to Pono for the menu.
Thank you Pono. This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, and have a great day Vikings!