Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Trenton and here are your announcements for Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6.
Attention all new students and freshmen! We are having a new student orientation livestream TONIGHT at 5:30 PM. We will be going live on Faceobok, Twitter and YouTube @hilohighschool. All freshmen are encouraged to attend so that you can hear all the information you missed from your original Freshmen Only day back in August. The event will be happening from 5:30pm-7:00pm and will be covering topics such as Activities, Chapter-19, and other topics regarding the changes of this school year. Again, the livestream is on Wednesday, September 2 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. See you then!
Today, we would like to share with you a bright spot. Our very own Enjl Himoya has been elected as Historian for the Hawaii State Student Council. The purpose of the Hawaii State Student Council is to be responsible for official student representation to the Hawaii State Board of Education. To recommend courses of action to the Hawaii State Department of Education and to facilitate student communication with HIDOE and BOE. Please watch this video he prepared for his bid for historian.
Once again, congratulations Enjl. All of us here at Hilo High wants to embody the ideal of Lokahi as well. KVIKS will be back after these messages.
Watch the Morning Bulletin for a special Debate Club and JROTC Announcement
Thank you Mrs. Laliberte. Now we go to Kalif for the menu.
Thank you Kalif. This concludes today’s announcements. Thank you for watching, and have a great day Vikings!