1/06/2020 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Jazz and here are your announcements for Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6


In case you missed it, beginning this week, in partnership with Hawaiian Language class, we will be broadcasting a Hawaiian Value of the Week! Let’s watch the first value once again.


Thank you, each of the values have been pre-recorded from last school year. So you may see some unfamiliar faces.


Homecoming Court

Sign up to be on the Celebrating Blue and Gold Homecoming Court! Check your viking emails for the PDF application form. Please print or electronically fill out the PDF and send it to [email protected] by January 11th, 2021 at 3:00pm. If you have any questions please feel free to email [email protected]


Young at Art

Attention Viking Artists! Submissions are open for the 33rd Annual Young At Art Juried Exhibition. The theme for this year's show is "Community". Accepted works will be featured downtown at the East Hawai'i Cultural Center Exhibition in March. Please contact Ms. Z for submission guidelines. Deadline is Feb. 20th. 


Now for today’s menu:


Today’s Grab and Go breakfast and lunch is: Cereal & Cheez-Its, Fresh Fruit, Sliced Peaches, Turkey Pastrami Sandwich, Veggie Sticks w/Dip, Edamame, Fruit Slush, and Pineapple Chunks


Pickup times are from 12:40pm to 1:20pm.


Thank you for watching! If you missed any of these announcements, please visit our website, hilohigh.org. Follow us online at facebook, twitter, instagram, and YouTube @hilohighschool. This concludes today’s announcements; let's have a great year Vikings!
