02/03/2021 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


 Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Jazz and here are your announcements for Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6


Senior Hall of Fame

Hey Seniors! Who is the best artist in your class? Who are the best BFFs? Who is the best waterman or woman? Please fill out our survey in the yearbook section of our Hilo High website to vote for your class Hall Of Fame. Go to the Hilo High website under the “Students” tab, and click on “Yearbook” to access the survey. Deadline is Friday Feb.12th!


Senior May Day Court Attendants

Aloha Class of 2021, Do you want to be part of this year's May Day court? If so please fill out the May Day application and send to both Kumu ʻAwapuhi Duldulao [email protected] and Kumu Fernandez [email protected] by Friday February 05, 2021. To access the form, please visit the Hilo High website.


PALC Registration

PALC semester 2 registration is now open. The project this semester will be a virtual performance of a Broadway musical.  All rehearsals and performances will be online after school.  Students may join either technical theatre or performance.  The program is free, and students earn a half credit for completing the coursework. Follow the link on your screen to complete the registration form.  Classes begin February 4th.  Questions? Email [email protected] 


KVIKS will be back after these messages 


Playwrights Festival 2020

The Performing Arts Learning Center proudly presents the New Playwrights Festival 2020, available to stream on YouTube.  The festival consists of 5 original student plays and a musical performance.  All performances are by students of the Performing Arts Learning Center.  To view the videos, please go to the link on your screen.

ASVAB Testing

As a reminder the third ASVAB of the year is this Friday, February 5, 2021. Testing will be located in the Learning Resource Center and begin at 1PM. The ASVAB is a military entrance exam. If you would like to reserve a spot, email Ms. Taniguchi at [email protected]. Spots are limited so email Ms. Taniguchi TODAY!


HHS Tutoring

Hey, Vikings!  Do you need some help in any of your classes? Come to zoom tutoring with some Hilo High graduates who have taken and passed the same classes you are taking now.  No need to make an appointment -- just sign in to the zoom sessions and be ready to share your screen and ask your questions.   

Tutoring is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm and every Sunday from 2:00-4:00pm. We hope to see you there!


Now for today’s menu:


Today’s Grab and Go breakfast and lunch is: Cereal, Cheez-its, Fresh Fruit, Pineapple Chunks, Chicken Patty w/Gravy, Baked Beans, Power Juice, Steamed Carrots, Broccoli, Corn, and Sliced Peaches.


Pickup times are from 12:40pm to 1:20pm


Thank you for watching! If you missed any of these announcements, please visit our website: hilohigh.org. Follow us online at facebook, twitter, instagram, and YouTube @hilohighschool. This concludes today’s announcements, have a great day Vikings!
