02/09/2021 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha and HAPPY HOMECOMING VIKINGS! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Ashley and here are your announcements for Tuesday, February 9th, 2021. Today’s schedule is 1-3-5-7


Today is Victory Dance Tuesday! Tune in at 12:30pm to our YouTube and Facebook pages to watch the Class Dance Competition! 

Today is also a dress-up day! Wear your class t-shirt or class colors and submit your photos to [email protected] to earn 10 HERO points! Students, please remind your period 1 teachers to also submit names of those who dressed up to the student association email.


Senior Hall of Fame

Hey Seniors! Who is the best artist in your class? Who are the best BFFs? Who is the best waterman or woman? Please fill out our survey in the yearbook section of our Hilo High website to vote for your class Hall Of Fame. Go to tinyurl.com/2021HallofFame to access the survey or visit the yearbook page on the Hilo High Website. Deadline is Friday Feb.12th!


9th Grade Tutoring

9th graders, Do you need to catch up on your classwork or need help knowing how to answer some homework questions? Come to virtual tutoring hours with our Gear Up Manoa tutors via UH Manoa's Online Learning Academy! This is a free opportunity for all 9th graders to get the assistance they need for subjects like math, science, English writing, and more! Tutoring hours are: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 3-6 pm till the end of the school year! 

Visit the link on the screen, manoa.hawaii.edu/ola,  to enter the tutoring room. For each session attended, you'll earn 5 hero points into your account. For any questions, email Miss Muraoka at [email protected]


KVIKS will be back after these messages 


HHS Tutoring

Hey, Vikings! As a reminder, there are Zoom Tutoring sessions every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm and every Sunday from 2:00-4:00pm. No need to make an appointment -- just sign in to the zoom sessions and be ready to share your screen and ask your questions. 


Now for today’s menu:


Today’s Grab and Go breakfast is: Pineapple Sunrise Surprise, Fruit Cocktail, and Power Punch Juice. For Lunch: Fish Sandwich, Veggie Sticks w/dip, Fruit Slush, and Pineapple Chunks


Pickup times are from 12:25pm to 1:05pm


Thank you for watching! If you missed any of these announcements, please visit our website: hilohigh.org. Follow us online at facebook, twitter, instagram, and YouTube @hilohighschool. This concludes today’s announcements, have a great day Vikings!
