Virtual Hawai’i District Science and Engineering Fair Awards Ceremony

Virtual Hawai’i District Science and Engineering Fair Awards Ceremony

On Sunday, March 14, 2021 an awards ceremony was held for the first virtual Hawai’i District Science and Engineering Fair. Students were presented with a multitude of awards including: 

  • Hawai’i State Science and Engineering Fair Finalists 
  • 2 International Science and Engineering Fair Finalists


Quote from Maya Oishi regarding her science fair project:
“I investigated the biochemical activity of organic Curcuma caesia and Curcuma longa (Turmeric) on Neuroblastoma Cancer Cells. Conducting a science fair project in the middle of a pandemic was definitely a challenge but I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to compete and present a project that I am passionate about!”


Quote from Kendra Puleo regarding her science fair project:

“My experiment was ‘Investigating the Impact of SWCNT Concentrations on Micro crustaceans’ in the ‘Earth and Environmental Science’ category. My project studied how increased single-walled carbon nanotube concentrations affected Moina populations. Concentrations ranged from 1 ng/L to 1 mg/L. The experiment took place over a ten-day period. Due to the current status of COVID, my project was conducted at home. I had to get creative with my materials since I didn’t have the opportunity to work at a research facility.” 

We are very proud of Maya and Kendra as they continue to represent Hilo High phenomenally! 
