03/22/2021 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings and Welcome Back!


This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Nick and here are your announcements for Monday, March 22nd, 2021. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6


Seniors! Just a reminder that TODAY March 22, is the last day to turn in your Commencement Options Survey. Please check your Viking email for the google form, or go to tinyurl.com/21GradOptions. The form is accessible to VIKING ACCOUNTS ONLY.


SA and Class Council Elections

As a reminder, if you are interested in running for a position on a council, please send an email to [email protected] stating what position you would like to run for and more details will be provided for you. Applications are due March 24.


Bright Spot

We would like to recognize students from Hilo High’s Speech and Debate Club! Congratulations to Sarah Gauthier (class of 2021) and Phoebe Wyatt (class of 2022), for qualifying for the state debate tournament in April.  They will be debating in the category of Lincoln-Douglas for the resolution: "The United States ought to guarantee universal childcare."  We wish them the best as they represent Hilo High school.


Now for today’s menu:


Today’s Grab and Go breakfast is: Cereal & Cinnamon Crisps, Fresh Fruit, and Pineapple Chunks. For lunch: Cheese Bites, Romaine Salad, Fresh Carrots, Fresh Fruit, and Diced Pears.


Thank you for watching! Visit hilohigh.org for up to date information. Download our app and follow us on social media @hilohighschool. This concludes today’s announcements, have a great day Vikings!
