2021-2022 Student Association Election

2021-2022 Student Association Election

Here are the candidates for the Student Association Executive Board:
-President: Maya Oishi
-1st Vice President- Enjl Melchizedek Himoya
-2nd Vice President- Xochi Gervais
-Recording Secretary- Unyamanee Suwanasan (not pictured)
-Treasurer: Shelby Hamura
Elections will take place from April 13-14, 2021
Vote Maya Oishi - Student Association President. Included is a photo of Maya. Vote Enjl Himoya - Student Association 1st Vice President. A photo of Enjl is included.
Vote Xochi Gervais - Student Association 2nd VP.  A photo of Xochi is included Vote Shelby Hamura - Student Association Treasurer. A photo of Shelby is included.