04/19/2021 KVIKS TV Morning Bulletin


Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S Morning Bulletin. My name is Nathan and here are your announcements for Monday, April 19th, 2021. Today’s schedule is 2-4-6

Hey Vikings! Thank you for your vote in our recent elections! Here are the results:

Your 2021-2022 SA council will be:

SA President Maya Oishi

SA 1st VP Enjl Himoya

SA 2nd VP Xochi Gervais

SA Treasurer Shelby Hamurs

SA Secretary Unyamanee Suwanasan

For our upcoming class of 2022 seniors, your 2021-2022 council will be:

President Mikailee Palmerston

Vice President Chloe Salom

Secretary Liliaonalani Icari

Treasurer Kiara Kotake

For the Class of 2023, your new officers will be: 

President Kaylee Yamada

Vice President Dheryl Guerrero-Sy

Treasurer Nikolas Galdones 

For the class of 2024 your officers will be:

President Kawehi Augustin

Vice President Emily Lavarias

Treasurer Maile Hunter

Secretary Akane Todd

Congratulations and great job to all the candidates! We’re excited for this upcoming year! 

KVIKS Will be back after these messages.

Cross Country Conditioning

Cross Country Conditioning starts today @ 3:30 PM, players are to report to the general area outside of X building (locker rooms).

Mana Music Workshop

The Mana Music Quartet will be holding a workshop during summer break to foster the next generation of successful Hawaiian classical musicians with group and private lessons with an instrument of choice: violin, viola, cello and/or guitar.

The five (5) day workshop will provide youth with creative outlets and skills that allow them to reflect and be self and socially aware to make responsible decisions. Youth will camp over in Kona with expenses covered. The camp will be from July 19th to 23rd and is open to all Hawai’i Island youth, up to 40 seats between the ages of 11-18.

For more information and to learn how to register, visit hilohigh.org

Now for today’s menu:

Today’s Grab and Go breakfast is: Cereal w/ Cinnamon Crisps, Fresh Fruit, and Sliced Peaches

For Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza, Romaine Salad, Fresh Carrots, Fresh Fruit, and Pineapple Chunks

Thank you for watching! Visit hilohigh.org for up to date information. Download our app and follow us on social media @hilohighschool. This concludes today’s announcements, have a great day Vikings!
