Aloha Vikings! This is K-V-I-K-S, signing on for your morning news. My name is Malino and here are your announcements for Thursday, January 20th, 2022. Today’s periods are 1-3-5-7.
Here’s what’s happening today:
eSports Introductory Meeting
If you signed up for esports, there is a MANDATORY informational meeting after school today in C-215 at 2:30 PM. Please come to learn more information about practices and receive the permission slip for your parents and guardians.
May Day Court
Please visit Kumu ‘Awa’s room in K101 OR Mr. Fernandez’s room in C108 today or tomorrow to pick up an application form.
Hilo Blood Drive
This year, Blood Bank of Hawaii has partnered with Hawaii Foodbank to save lives by donating blood and end hunger by feeding people in need in our community. The Blood Bank of Hawaii is visiting Hilo for a Blood Drive on January 18, 19, & 20. We are welcoming students over the age of 16, teachers, and staff to participate as volunteers to donate blood. There will be only one donation site located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 1373 Kilauea Avenue. No walk-ins will be allowed. Schedule an appointment by calling (808) 848-4770 or visiting Blood Bank of Hawaii website at Please provide the Hilo High School Lifesaver Club group code (383) when you arrive for your appointment. Visit our school website for more information. One donation of blood can save 3 lives in need as well as feed the hungry. We hope you consider donating.
Here’s what’s new Vikings!
Ohayo gozaimasu, Japan club members! Please come to the Japan club meeting TODAY Thursday, January 20 during lunch in Shehata Sensei's classroom. We will discuss Friday's lunch rally and distribute the club t-shirts. Ja, mata ato de!
[MIKAILEE’S Children’s Miracle Hospital Video]
Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser
Do you have a dollar to spare? Key Club will be holding a Children's Miracle Network Fundraiser this week. Donate $1 in front of Ma's Room (A-16) to change a child's life. As a thank you, donors will earn 10 HERO points and the chance to sign their name on a CMN hot air balloon.
The National Honors Society will be meeting on Friday, January 21st, 2022 during lunch recess in Mr.Yamamoto’s room B-44.
Auditions for Spring Musical
PALC will be performing FOOTLOOSE for the spring musical this year. If you are interested in auditioning, there will be Audition Workshops on Thursday, January 20, and Friday, January 21, 2022. The workshops will be in the auditorium from 3pm through 5pm. You will be taught 2 songs during the workshop. To sign up, email [email protected]
In case you missed it Vikings…
Young at Art Submissions
Attention all Viking artists! Submissions are open for the 2022 Young At Art show. See more details and entry guidelines at For further assistance, stop by Ms. Z's room in L-4. Deadline to submit is February 19th.
Yesterday at 7:15 in the morning was our athlete’s letter of intent signing ceremony. Here is a small clip from the full video of the event.
For Wiki: Cinnamon Roll, Apple Chips, and Fresh Fruit
For Lunch: Hot Dog in Bun, Tater Tots or Baby Carrots, Veggie Sticks, Pineapple Chunks, and Diced Pears
Read the bulletin at Follow Hilo High School on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @hilohighschool and check us out at This concludes today’s announcements. Have a great day Vikings!