Aloha Vikings! This is K-V-I-K-S, signing on for your morning news. My name is Michael and here are your announcements for Thursday, January 27th, 2022. Today’s periods are 1,3,5,7.
Here’s What’s Happening Today:
Leo Club Meeting
Calling all LEO club members! There will be a meeting in A-18 during lunch TODAY. We will be taking our group picture on Friday, so please come in your LEO Club shirt or a HHS shir t. Hope to see you there!
HCC & FAFSA Application Sessions
Aloha Seniors! Are you interested in applying to our Hawaii Community College in Hilo? Through HCC, you can earn 2-year Associates Degrees in so many different trades, like Carpentry, Electrical Installation, Agriculture, Auto Mechanics, Culinary Arts, Fire Science, and so much more! Mrs. Frias will be holding HCC application sessions today, Thursday, Jan 27 during pd 3 and 5, as well as FAFSA completion workshops on Friday, Jan 28 during pds 2 and 4. Please go to the LRC to sign up for both sessions. Many of you could qualify for Financial Aid and most of your college tuition could — be FREE! We hope to see you there!
Here’s What’s New Vikings:
[Video] - Spirit Week
[Video: Hawaiian Month - Hauoli and Ipo]
This week is the Great Kindness Challenge where we challenge ourselves to promote and practice kindness through the concepts of caring, respect, gratitude, and inclusiveness. This Friday, January 28, 2022, we ask that you wear yellow shirts to show our support in this challenge. You can come in front of the auditorium during lunch to earn your 10 hero points. You can also earn additional 10 hero points if you made a positive message poster and take yourself holding the poster. You can email –your picture to [email protected]. Let's spread kindness and aloha to each other.
ASVAB Testing
All 10th-12th graders, the ASVAB is coming up on Monday, February 14th. The test will be administered in the Learning Resource Center (LRC), better known as the Hilo High School Library. If you are planning on joining the military post high school, you will need to take the ASVAB. Contact Mr. Nakasato at [email protected] to reserve your spot. Due to COVID-19 the number of test takers per session have been reduced to 30, act now!
Creative Writing Club Meeting
On Monday 31st, there will be a Creative Writing Club meeting in room C219. New members are welcomed. Hope to see you there.
Ceramics Club Meeting
Aloha all Ceramics Club members! Come to the ceramics room on Thursday, February 3rd at lunch time to take a Ceramics Club picture for the yearbook. All ceramics club members are encouraged to come and be included in the club picture, even if you don't come to all the meetings. Again, come to C-101, Ms Krauss's room, on Thursday February 3rd at lunch time.
Christian Club Meeting
There will be a Christian Club meeting tomorrow in room M-108. We will be getting together for fellowship, prayer, and a short word. Hope to see you there!
In Case You Missed It Vikings…
May Day Nominations
All May Day Nomination Forms will be due tomorrow to Kumu Awa or Kumu Drew.
Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser
Key Club will extended their Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser until Tomorrow. Donate $1 in front of Ma's Room (A-16) to change a child's life.
Yearbook Deadlines
Aloha Viking Seniors, if you have purchased a page in the yearbook, we need your images! We are running out of time and need to design your pages as soon as possible. Please email Mrs. Mant with your appropriate, jpeg photos. Questions? Come by room L-3 for answers.
For Wiki: Pizza Bagel, Mixed Fruit, and Fruit Juice
Hamburger with a Bun, Tater Tots or Coleslaw, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit, and Fresh Fruit
Thank you for watching, read the bulletin at Follow Hilo High School on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @hilohighschool and check out This concludes today’s announcements. Have a great day Vikings!