Wellness Guidelines

Wellness Guidelines

Wellness in Hawaii’s public schools includes a wellness committee, nutrition guidelines, health education, nutrition promotion, physical education, physical activity and professional development for staff.

The Wellness Guidelines implement Board of Education Policy 103-1 and fulfill the requirements of Public Law 108-265 Section 204 and the Healthy Hunger Free-Kids Act (2010)

Translations are available in Cebuano (Visayan)Simplified ChineseTraditional ChineseChuukeseHawaiianHawaiian (without diacritical marks)IlokanoJapaneseKoreanMarshalleseSamoanSpanish (US)TagalogTongan, and Vietnamese (US).

Wellness Committee

Every school has a designated wellness coordinator and a committee that meet at least three times per year to address school health issues, including the implementation of the Wellness Guidelines. The Wellness Committee should consist of school administration, faculty and staff, as well as students, families and community representatives. The Wellness Committee is responsible for completing the School Health Index and using other data sources (e.g. Youth Risk Behavior Survey) in order to identify priority areas for the school’s Academic Plan.

At the beginning of each school year, the school community is notified about the wellness policy and provided with the wellness coordinator’s contact information. The school also encourages student’s families to support wellness at school and at home.

For more information regarding the Wellness Policy, visit the Hawaii Department of Education website link at https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org
