Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin, I’m Joseph, and here are your announcements for Tuesday, April 26, 2022. The periods today are 1-3-5 and 7.
Hey Seniors! Today, you’re taking a time machine back to your childhood with 2000s Tuesday. Tomorrow, you will wear white to show your class pride and unity.
Seniors, Mrs. Frias has several new scholarships available for application NOW! Please come to the LRC to take a look at what's available and if any of them apply to you! Deadlines are approaching fast, so I hope to see you there soon!
Attention National Honor Society Candidates. If you picked up an application, please make sure to complete and submit it to Mr. Yamamoto by Wednesday April 27 by 3:00pm. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Yamamoto in room B44.
The Hero Store is back open for in-person shopping! The Hero Store is located in B-35 and you can use your Hero points to buy snacks, school supplies, and a lot of other fun things. Your ID is required for purchase. We will be open during most lunch recesses. You will also be able to check how many points you have on your card.
Here are two announcements for the students of our May Day court.
[VIDEO] 2 May Day Reminders
Vikings! Our 2021 to 2022 yearbooks are here!
[VIDEO] 2021-2022 Yearbook
Hey, current Juniors and Seniors, Zippys is accepting applications NOW for their paid summer internship program. Here’s some more information.
[VIDEO] Zippys Paid Application
Would you like to learn more about the benefits and options the Military has to offer?
[VIDEO] Military Mini Fair
Host: Here is today's - menu.
For Wiki:
Cinnamon Roll, Fruit Juice, and Diced Pears
For Lunch:
Mac and Cheese, Asian Slaw or Baby Carrots, Baked Beans, Fresh Fruit, and Peaches or a Whole Grain Roll
Check out our website, for more details, or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. Thank you for watching. This concludes today’s announcements. HAVE A GREAT DAY VIKINGS!
Other Announcements
The Hilo High School Summer Bridge Program is currently open for registration. Visit for more information.
The Hilo High School Summer Program is also open for registration. Visit for more information and registration form.
These two programs close on May 20th, 2022, so don’t forget to register!
Vikings, the Hilo High School Student Credit Union is currently organizing a giveaway. Here is how you can enter.