08/01/2022 Freshmen Only Day

We are so excited to have our Freshmen Class of 2026 enter the halls of dear old Hilo High School.
The day will begin in the patios where the students will meet their STARS teachers. There will be an orientation at 8 AM, then an opening assembly in the auditorium. From there, the students will go to all seven periods where they will go over general rules, policies and procedures. At the end of the day, the students will walk to the New Gym for a special Freshmen Only Day Assembly or LOT. At the end of the day, the students will be dismissed at 1:45 PM from the Hilo High School New Gym.
1 - Waianuenue Avenue is converted to a One-Way Traffic Pattern from 7:15am through 8:00am on all school days.  The direction of travel is temporarily changed to flow in the North-Easterly direction (toward Hilo Bay) beginning at Komohana Street and ending at Kamehameha Avenue.  The parking stalls on either side of Waianuenue Avenue are also used as traffic lanes, creating 4 total lanes of traffic.  The furthest-left lane should be utilized to make a left turn into our school campus during the one way pattern.
2 - When coming to campus for drop off, students should be seated on the right side of the vehicle and be ready to disembark from the vehicle at the designated pickup and drop off areas.  This means that all backpacks, bags, water bottles, masks, and Student ID cards are with the student prior to entering the drop off areas.  Students who are being dropped off should not be the driver of the vehicle. This is in effort to keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely for all. 
3 - Once in the parking lot of our school, vehicles must traverse the roadways with extreme caution and observe all traffic directions.  Students should not be dropped off along the main entrance roadway at any time.  All drop-offs must occur along the bus ramp that runs parallel to Waianuenue Avenue.

4 - Left turns into Hilo High School from Waianuenue Avenue between 1:00pm and 3:30pm are not allowed on any school day.  Making such a turn is a citable traffic offense that is enforced by the Hawaii County Police Department. 

5 - Please, do not send your child(ren) to school if they are feeling ill.  ALL persons who plan to report to campus should conduct a Wellness Health Check prior to coming to campus.  A checklist guide can be found at: https://hilohigh.org/wellnesscheck of via our Parent Square App.

If you need assistance or clarification regarding traffic, student drop-off or pickup, or any other general questions, please visit our website www.hilohigh.org, or call the school office at 808-313-5500.

Bell Schedule:
Bell Schedule for 08012022