Hilo High Email Threat August 2, 2022


Dear Hilo High parents and guardians:

Our administration was made aware of an alleged threat to our campus. The Hawaiʻi County Police Department
was notified immediately and is conducting an investigation. As a precautionary measure, a security plan has
been initiated and we will have additional security present on campus. School will remain open with no changes
in the schedule.

All threats to our school and students are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly and immediately.
Terroristic threats are considered Class A student conduct offenses. Penalties can range from detention to
suspension with the possibility of arrest and serious criminal charges. We ask for your assistance to speak to
your children about the consequences for such acts and to encourage them to make good decisions.

Hilo High is committed to safeguarding the physical and emotional well-being of our students and we appreciate
your continued support. Should you have any concerns, please contact our office at (808) 313-5500.

Jasmine Urasaki