01/12/2023 KVIKS News Bulletin




On today’s bulletin, Senior Luau and Tennis Try-Outs. Coming up next!


HOST: Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin. I’m Keanu, and today’s date is Thursday, January 12th, 2023. The periods are 1-3-5-7

Also, due to PC Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we will not be having school tomorrow, January 13th, and January 16, 2023. So enjoy your 4-day weekend!

Senior Luau

Aloha Class of 2023 Seniors, this is an announcement regarding senior luau. For those of you who are interested in helping out with decorations and planning please come to Mrs. Naukana’s room (N101) at lunch recess TODAY, January 12. 

Tennis Try-Outs

Tennis try-outs for boys and girls will be on February 6 to 8 at the tennis courts across the street. In order to try out a physical needs to be done along with the forms which are on our school website. New as well as returning players are gonna come out, please sign up with coach Leanne in F-Bldg.

Table Top Club 

The Table Top Club is looking for players to participate in a tentative chess tournament. If interested or if you have any questions, please see Mr. Yamanaka in room B-41. Sign ups will be open until January 18.

KVIKS will be back after these messages.



All 10th-12th graders, the next ASVAB administration is on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023.

The test will be administered in the Learning Resource Center and will start promptly at 8:10 AM. If you are planning on joining the military post-high school, you will need to take the ASVAB. Email Ms. Arquero at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Due to COVID-19, the number of test-takers per session has been reduced to 30.

The LRC will be closed all morning on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 to accommodate the test and reopen during lunch.

[VIDEO] Student Parking Pass

This is a reminder that students are not allowed to park in Hilo Intermediate School's parking lot at any time.  

Hilo High School Student parking is available on a first come first serve basis, and requires a parking permit for use.

If our available student parking stalls are full, drivers must utilize street parking along Waianuenue Avenue. 

To obtain a student parking pass, go to the main office service window. 

Non-permitted vehicles parked in Hilo Intermediate and Hilo High School Lots may be towed at the owner's expense, and drivers will be subject to disciplinary action.

HOST: Here is today's - menu. 

For Wiki: Pork Patty, Steamed Rice, Mixed Fruit, and Fruit Juice

For Lunch: Creole Mac, Green Salad or Edamame, Applesauce, Sliced Peaches, and Whole Grain French Bread

Thank you for watching. Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a GREAT DAY Vikings!

Other Announcements 

[VIDEO] This week on Viking Athletics! 

On Friday, January 13 the JV Softball team will be competing at Pahoa starting at 3 PM, and the Boys Basketball team will be competing against HPA at 5 PM.

Lastly, on Saturday, January 14, 

The Boys Soccer team will be competing against Kohala at 3 PM.

Then Girls Basketball team will be competing against Kamehameha at 5 PM. 

And the Paddling team will be competing starting at 9 AM at Bayfront.

KVIKS Media will be broadcasting all the Basketball and Canoe Paddling on Friday and Saturday. Tune in at hilohigh.org/live to watch these sports!

