02/21/2023 KVIKS News Bulletin


PRE-ROLL: Hawaiian Value

INTRO (said slowly)

On todays’ bulletin, Hilo High Guitar, Career Fair, and Black History Month. Coming up next!



HOST: Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin. I’m Stevie, and today’s date is Tuesday, February 21st, 2023. The periods are 1-3-5-7


Hilo High Guitar

Ho'olokahi Chamber choir presents "Harmony in Diversity." This event will happen on Friday Feb. 24th at 7:00 PM with a pre show by Hilo High Guitar at 6:30 PM. Hope to see you there!

Here is today's and tomorrow's Makahiki Games, that you can participate in during lunch recess in front of the Auditorium.

[VIDEO] Makahiki Games:

HOST: Here is Mrs. Frias with more information about what's happening this Friday, February 24th.

[VIDEO] Career Fair

Hey, Vikings!  This is Mrs. Frias, your Career and College Counselor at Hilo High School.  I'm super excited to tell you that this Friday, February 24th, you will all be attending a Career Fair here on campus during pd 4.  Right now, I have over 50 different agencies across most of our pathways, coming to Hilo High to share information with you about the careers you might be interested in pursuing in the future.  To help you to be prepared for the fair, I will email you all a list of the agencies and organizations, as well as some guiding questions you might want to prepare to ask when you attend on Friday.  This list and questions will also be printed and given to you on Friday in pd 4.  All teachers have the schedule of which session your pd 4 class will attend, so please just report to pd 4 as usual.  And please also let your parents know that although it is still an EVEN day, school will end at 2:15 on Friday, Feb 24th.  I hope you will make the most of this opportunity!  I'm really looking forward to this, and I hope you are too!

Host: Thank you Mrs. Frias. Now let's go to Mrs. Walker to learn more about Black History Month. 

[VIDEO] Black History Month

Host: Thank you Mrs. Walker for teaching us more about Black History Month. Next, let's know more about the HOSA Club Fundraiser. 


Host: Lastly, before today’s menu let us learn the Hawaiian Word of the Day. 

[VIDEO] Hawaiian Word of the Day

HOST: Here is today's - menu. 

For Wiki: French Toast Sticks, Apple Chips, and Pineapple Chunks


For Lunch: Beef Patty with Gravy, Steamed Rice, Broccoli, Corn or Fresh Fruit, and Pineapple Chunks or a Whole Grain Roll  

Thank you for watching. Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a GREAT DAY Vikings! Bye

Other Announcements

AP Exam

If you are currently enrolled in an AP class your AP Exam fees are due. 

Between today, February 16 - February 28th please come to Ms. Arquero's office in B33 during recess or lunch to pay them. Reminders were sent to All AP students' emails. 

Payments can be made in EXACT cash or checks made out to "Hilo High School"

ACT Testing

ACT's for all Juniors are coming up on March 2, 2023. All Juniors have received an email from Ms. Arquero with a link to a google form. Please fill out this form ASAP. 

This form allows us to know who to order lunch for.  If you do not fill out the form you will not be able to receive lunch on Testing day. Please fill out the google form by 02/23/23.
