INTRO (said slowly):
On todays’ bulletin, Cap and Gowns, PALC, and SCU. Coming up next!
HOST: Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin. I’m Caitlin , and today’s date is Tuesday, March 7th, 2023. The periods are 1-3-5-7.
Students, please welcome the committee sent by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. You will see them this week around the campus as they perform their evaluation of our school.
Congratulations to some of our awesome Viking Artists! Nine of our student's artwork was accepted into the East Hawaii Culture Center at show "Young at Art". Their artwork will be on display the month of March and a special art walk event on Saturday, March 11 from 10am-2pm to encourage the community to visit the Hilo exhibit locations. We will also have our Pride Chicken automata installation at Kalākaua Park. Participating businesses will be offering art activities, discounts, or giveaways. Please come to celebrate our Viking artists!
May Day
Aloha ELECTED Royal court members. We will be meeting TODAY, March 7th at LUNCH to discuss your attire and court mele. The wahine will be meeting in k101 Kumu ʻAwaʻs room and the kāne will be meeting in B-42 (Ms. Whitehallʻs room). Please be on time as we have a lot to discuss. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your advisors. Mahalo nui loa!
Cap and Gowns
Hey Seniors, please pick up your cap and gowns during recess and lunch in room A-22 (Mrs. Arbles room). If the last letter of your last name is N to Z, please do pick it up today, March 7, 2023.
However, if you have a math class with Mr. C, Mr. Young, Ms. Park, and Mrs. Arbles, you will pick yours up during math class. Thank you.
The Spring Musical is ON! Auditions have been held and the show will be cast TODAY, March 7th! If you are a singer or a dancer PALC needs YOU to join our cast in an ensemble roll. Ensemble rolls are an important part of this show with singing and dancing but no spoken lines. If this is something you are interested in please come to the Auditorium at 3pm on TODAY, March 7th, it's not too late!
Hey Vikings, due to the temporary renovations to the LRC building, effective immediately, the Student Credit Union (SCU) will be temporarily located at Mrs. Masuhara's room A-16, with services limited to deposits only starting today, March 7th. Our temporary hours of operation will be also limited to Tuesdays and Thursdays only during lunch periods. Upon the reopening of the LRC building, the SCU will resume its normal hours of operation.
Don’t forget, the SCU is still hiring for student tellers, applications may be picked up at the SCU site or visit We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and appreciate your understanding. Mahalo!
LEO Club
We will be having a LEO Club meeting TOMORROW during lunch recess.
Please wear your LEO Club shirt because we will be taking a whole club picture.
If you have not picked up your club shirt, you may pick it up in Ms. Tanaka's office, A-19.
We will be presenting new club activities which will take place for 4th quarter.
Again, LEO Club meeting TOMORROW at lunch...wear your club shirt...If you haven't picked it up, do it quickly!
Thanks and see you there!
In Case You Missed it Vikings!
Starting last week, our student publishers have been posting many of the new announcements submitted to KVIKS on the school website! To access it, go to, scroll down to Front Page news to find the latest, or hover over News on the navigation bar, then select a category.
HOST: Here is today's - menu.
For Wiki: Applesauce Bread, Fruit Juice, and Sliced Peaches
For Lunch: Creole Mac, Green Salad or Edamame, Applesauce, Whole Grain French Bread, and Sliced Peaches
Thank you for watching. Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a GREAT DAY Vikings!
Other Announcements
[VIDEO] Class Council Elections
Aloha Vikings! We are excited to announce the start of the election application period for the student association and class council offices for the upcoming school year of 2023-2024. This is an opportunity for you to get involved and positively impact our school community.
If you are interested in running for a student association or class council office, please come to Room A-16 during recess and lunch beginning on Monday, March 7, 2023, to pick up an election application packet. The election application is due on March 22, 2023. No late applications are accepted. We hope to see you on the ballot! Thanks!
[VIDEO] Senior Awards
Hey Seniors! If you have dedicated yourself to providing valuable school services, holding a leadership position, and actively participating in various activities during your high school years, you may be eligible for the Hilo High Service Awards, Viking Award, and Honor pin award.
We invite you to sign up for the application process in room A-16 beginning March 6 to March 10, 2023. The application form is due on March 22. These awards will be proudly showcased during the graduation ceremony.