INTRO (pause slightly for announcements in green):
On todays’ bulletin, Senior Farewell, Media Literacy, and Teapresso Fundraiser. Coming up next!
HOST: Aloha Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin. I’m Mitchell and today’s date is Wednesday, May 10th, 2023. The periods are 2-4-6.
Aloha Week
Greetings, Vikings! As we prepare for our upcoming May Day Hō’ike celebration, today's theme is "Games Without Borders Day." Join us in the front of the auditorium during lunchtime to engage in games from diverse cultures.
The theme for tomorrow is “Global Celebration of Music Day” . During lunchtime, listen to the harmonies from around the world in front of our auditorium
We look forward to your participation!
Senior Farewell
Reminder to ALL SENIORS. Be sure to turn in your senior picnic forms to Mr. Masuyama, Ms. Switzer or Mr. Finley BY TODAY! No forms turned in means no jumping in the pool!
May Day Scavenger Hunt
On behalf of the May Day committee I’m here to introduce today’s scavenger hunt.
Using the hints from the riddles, look for the place that the gifts are hidden. You will take a selfie of yourself at the location and submit it in this google form. The google form will be open from 8:30 AM to 3 PM each day to submit your pictures.
TODAY, Wednesday, May 10th, our scavenger hunt will take you to:
A barrier between land and water
You’ll find competing rivals
The four elements of nature combined into one.
Ho’omaika’i. Mahalo, and have fun!
Media Literacy
Hey Vikings, how savvy are you about media and technology? For their final project in Ms. Crowl English class, senior students made video public service announcements about topics related to media literacy. Watch and learn from this PSA by Sidney Lam, Sunday Muira, and D’Monerica Valasco.
Aloha HOSA Club Members, there will be a meeting on Friday, May 9, 2023 during lunch in Mr. Assi’s room (L-2). Also, feel free to bring something for the Potluck! Hope to see you there!
Aloha Spring Concert
Hey Vikings! Save the date because this Wednesday, May 10th, our band will be holding their Aloha Spring Concert featuring performances by the Hilo High Viking Band and Orchestra, along with the Hilo Intermediate Band! Come watch these spring performances live at the Hilo High Auditorium, doors open at 5:30. We hope to see you there supporting Viking music!
Class of 2025
Hey Vikings! The Class of 2025 will be having a Teapresso Fundraiser on Friday, May 12 (May Day, from 2:00-6:00 pm at the new gym. Please come and support our class, thank you!
LEO Club
Attention all LEO Club members! Officer nominations for next year's committee have been posted on Google Classroom and are to be completed and turned in by this Friday, May 12th. Voting will take place next week Wednesday so please submit your nominations by the end of this school week. Remember, even if you are graduating this year, you may still make nominations. Hope to see you all at next week's meeting, thank you!
KVIKS will be back after these messages.
[VIDEO] Guitar
HOST: Here is today's - menu.
For Wiki: Yogurt and Granola, Diced Pears, and Fresh Fruit
For Lunch: Spaghetti, Green Salad or Cucumber, Edamame or Fresh Fruit, Whole Grain French Bread, and Mixed Fruit
Thank you for watching. Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a GREAT DAY Vikings!
Other Announcements
[VIDEO] Aloha Week
Aloha Vikings! Let's celebrate our Aloha Week from May 8 - 12 in honor of our May Day Hō’ike coming up. Our theme this year is "Like nō i ka la'i o Hanakahi," which means “We are all same in the calm of Hanakahi." Here's a rundown of the exciting events we have planned for our Aloha Week:
Monday is Celebrating Diversity Day. Show off YOUR cultural pride by wearing traditional attire or clothing that represents your heritage.
Tuesday is International Flavors Day. Join us for an international food walk during lunch in front of the auditorium, where you can sample different cuisines from around the world.
Wednesday is Games Without Borders Day. Come to the front of the auditorium during lunch to play games from our different cultures.
Thursday is the Global Celebration of Music Day. During lunchtime, listen to the harmonies from around the world in front of our auditorium.
AND Friday is Aloha Friday! Dress up in your best aloha attire and join us for the May Day LOT rally just for our school! Later that evening, with a ticket purchase, you can come and watch the May Day Hoike Night Show, featuring new performances open to the public to enjoy.
Hilo High Student Credit Union
Are you looking for a fun and rewarding way to earn some extra cash while gaining val-u-ble skills and boosting your resume? Look no further than the Hilo High Student Credit Union! We're thrilled to announce that we're currently hiring a new student teller to join our team.
Meet Kayla Kepa, one of our Student Credit Union tellers, who will share her experience with us.
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to build your skills and earn some cash at the same time. You can pick up an application at our Student Credit Union located at room A16, or apply online at Submit your application by May 19, 2023. Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union is an equal opportunity employer, so everyone is encouraged to apply.
So what are you waiting for? Apply now and start your journey to becoming a successful student teller! Mahalo!
In Case You Missed it Vikings!
KVIKS followed Zachary Masuyama around for a day to learn more about the Life of a Battalion Commander. To read the article, go to, and select News and scroll down to find and access the article.