Attention Vikings. This is Vice Principal Trimble with an important update to our campus.
As we move forward with construction on campus we want to ensure everyone is safe!
Students with parking permits must enter the campus by the top gate by Mr. Ramos’ class.
There is to be no foot traffic in front of the cafeteria where construction is ongoing all day. This is for your safety Vikings! Stay away from all construction areas on campus and pay close attention to the signs posted. All foot traffic between upper and lower campus should occur between the cafeteria and the school garden by Mr. Paopao’s class.
In addition to the construction in the Library and Cafeteria, we will also be working on the Main Office.
All office services will be conducted at the rear entry, the front of the office will be closed starting Monday. My office will change from the main office to A-4 down by the pit while this construction takes place.
As with other areas, please follow the directions on the signs to access the area in the back if you need to use the main office.
And one last reminder VIKS! When being dropped off in the morning, please remind your families to “Please Pull Forward” as much as possible when being dropped off. This will ensure there is not a backup on Waianuenue Ave and eases traffic into our school.
Thanks again VIKS, and see you around!
On today's bulletin, Pacific Youth Empowerment for Success, College and Career Visitations, and Ceramics, Coming up next!
Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Monday, September 18th, 2023. I’m Tyra . The periods today are 2- STARS -4 and 6
Pacific Youth Empowerment for Success Event (PacYES)
Calling out ALL Pacific Islanders to register for a free event at the University of Hawaii at Hilo on Saturday, October 7th from 9am to 2pm. In PacYES, you will learn about college readiness from other Pacific Islander college students, apply for Hilo Community College, UH Hilo and get your decision on the spot and get connected to other Pacific Islander in the community at the resource fair. An experience you won’t want to miss, there will be a lot of fun games, activities and prizes! Lunch will be provided.
ALL College applications are waived if you bring your transcripts in a sealed envelope!
This year we are opening up this event for parents to also come and attend. This could be a fun family activity on a Saturday! Please register by scanning the online QR code. For more information, you can email Ms Izawa if you have any questions or go to room C-125.
Upward Bound
Aloha, Vikings! Have you ever thought about going to college after high school, but are not exactly sure how you're going to do this? You're in luck! UH Hilo's Upward Bound Program is coming to Hilo High School on Wednesday, Sept 20 @ 10:30am during pd 4 to recruit new students in grades 9-11. The Upward Bound program provides support services for first generation and low income college bound high school students. Some support services they offer are college preparation workshops, opportunities to learn about colleges and careers, and one-on-one tutoring. Upward Bound's job is to help students be successful in high school and guide you on the right path to being successful in college FOR FREE. Now you can hear from a couple of our current and past Hilo High Vikings about their Upward Bound experiences.
College and Career Visitations (8/30/23 - 11/23/23)
Seattle University will be visiting on Tuesday, September 19 at 8:30am during pd.1 and the Hawaii Pacific University will be also visiting on Tuesday September 19 at 10:00am during pd. 3. Come to N-103 to get a pass if you are interested in attending.
Ceramic Club Meeting (9/12/2023 - 9/20/2023)
There will be an organizational meeting for the Ceramics Club TOMORROW, Tuesday, September 19 during lunch in C-101, Ms Krauss's room. Anyone interested in ceramics should come and see what we are all about. No ceramics experience required. Come and bring a friend.
Thank you for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a great day vikings!
Other Announcements
Girls Basketball (9/12/23- 10/30/23)
Any girls that are interested in playing basketball for the school come to the old gym on Monday, Wednesday or Friday @ 6:30pm. Or Tuesday and Thursday @ 6-7pm.
PSAT/NMSQT Registration Reminder (09/08/23 - 09/23/23)
The PSAT/NMSQT is scheduled for Saturday, October 14, 2023. Those who are 9th through 11th grade, interested in attending college and taking the SAT should highly consider taking this practice test to better prepare you for the real SAT. 11th graders who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch tests free. For all others, –the test costs $18. To register, fill out the google form: (
We still have many slots available so do not miss out on this opportunity and sign up NOW! Email Ms. Arquero at [email protected] Spaces are limited to the first 100 students so sign up now!