Good Morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Friday, March 15th, 2024. My name is Rianne and the periods today are 2,4, and 6..
Spring Break
As a reminder, Next week from March 18-22 is Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, March 25.
Quarter 4 Bus Passes (3/5/24-3/15/24)
The application window for Quarter 4 bus passes is now open until the end of April. If you would like to ride for the fourth quarter, starting March 25th, you can submit your application online or pickup and return a paper copy at the main office. Those of you who have a Quarter 3 bus pass may still ride until Spring Break, or TODAY, March 15th. If you have any questions, please stop by the office.
This Week in Viking Athletics
Tomorrow Saturday March 16, is a Judo Meet at the Hilo High NEW GYM starting at 10:30 AM
Nalukai Summer Camp Application (3/15/24-3/28/24)
Nalukai Academy Summer Startup Camp is a free intensive social, cultural, and commercial entrepreneurship boarding program for Hawaiʻi high school students. This year’s program will be held at UH Hilo from July 5th through 14th and is 100% free of cost to students. Each accepted student will also receive a new professional-grade laptop. Applications are due on April 8th and letters of recommendation must be submitted by April 1st. Apply now at nalukai.org
Commencement MC Wanted (3/14/24-3/15/24)
Attention Juniors! Are you interested in being the MC at this year’s commencement ceremony for the class of 2024? If so, stop by room A-22 Ms. Arbles to pick up a practice script. Again this is only open to Juniors. The senior class thanks you in advance. Mahalo!
ASVAB Testing (3/11/24-4/5/24)
All 10th-12th graders, the LAST ASVAB administration for this school year will be on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024. The test will be administered in C-215 and will start promptly at 8:10 AM. If you are planning on joining the military post-high school, you will need to take the ASVAB.
Email Ms. Arquero at [email protected] to reserve your spot.
Due to COVID-19, the number of test-takers per session has been reduced to 30.
C-215 will be closed all morning on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 to accommodate the test.
Here’s a little message from the HOSA Future Health Professionals club— let’s briefly discuss the importance of sleep!
Ensure you are getting enough sleep every night and wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated. An average teenager should at least have 8-10 hours of sleep, but with factors such as extracurriculars and assignments, it may be difficult to achieve a healthy sleeping schedule. In fact, up to 70% of U.S. adolescents regularly sleep less than eight hours. This is equivalent to approximately 42 million adolescents suffering sleep deficiencies.
Despite the difficulties, sleeping remains essential. The act of sleeping is important for the these two basic reasons:
- Sleep is restorative! When you sleep, you allow your body to repair and rebuild. The brain reorganizes and recharges itself, and removes toxic waste byproducts which have accumulated throughout the day. In shorter terms, sleeping becomes an immense factory-reset for your body!
- Sleep is a built-in stress reliever! It improves concentration, regulates your mood, and sharpens judgment and decision-making. A lack of sleep not only reduces mental clarity but the ability to cope with stressful situations. Hence, it is always recommended to catch a good rest the night before your exam because it plays a crucial role in your performance the next day.
However, we tend to not get the necessary rest our body deserves, but keep in mind that sleeping affects tons of aspects. A big tip to help improve your sleeping-habits is to create a restful environment. Stow any electronics and devices away as it prevents you from getting any shut-eye due to its exposure of light and radiation. In addition, stay consistent! Go to bed and wake up at reasonable times. On behalf of HOSA, we hope you’ll be more aware of your sleeping schedule and realize how vital sleep is. Thank you!!
Here is today’s menu:
For Wiki: Cinnamon toast with yogurt, apple sauce, and fresh fruit.
For Lunch: Kalua nachos, lomi tomatoes or edamame, pineapple chunks, and fresh fruit.
Thank you for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram and Facebook. This concludes today’s announcements. Have a wonderful and safe Spring Break Vikings!
Other Announcements
After School Ceramics Program (3/8/24-3/15/24)
Aloha Vikings! The East Hawai'i Cultural Center is starting an after school ceramics program on March 27th through May 29th. Please visit ehcc.org for more details. Deadline to register is March 23rd.
Senior Service Awards (3/6/24-3/25/24)
Aloha Seniors! It is getting near the graduation season and we want you to reap all the hard work you've done throughout your high school career! With Senior Service Awards, this allows you to gain recognition for all the service you've done for the school and community. Scan the QR code if you are interested in applying for these awards. The last day to complete this interest form is on April 5th, 2024 so don't pass up on this amazing opportunity to be recognized for your service!