09/20/2024 KVIKS News Bulletin




Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Friday, September 20th, 2024. My name is Mahea. The periods today are 2, 4, and 6.




Art Club (9/17/24-9/20/24)

Meet outside of Ms. Z's room (L-4) after period 6 TODAY if you would like to walk down as a group to the East Hawaii cultural center.




College Visitations

Next week we have the following visitations scheduled in the Career and College Counseling office:

Tuesday, September 24 - Period 5 - Arizona State University

Wednesday, September 25 - Period 2 - Grand Canyon University

Period 4 - UH Hilo Application Session 1

Friday, September 27 -  Period 3 and 5 - Hawaii Community College Information and Applications

Please go to N-103 to sign up for a session and pick up a pass to attend.



VIKINGS! Are YOU ready for homecoming? Our Homecoming, with the theme, “The Elements of Hilo High”, is coming up just TWO weeks from now! Be sure to tune into the morning bulletin everyday next week to hear more information about the dress ups and events taking place each day during homecoming! We hope you're ready for a week of dress ups, games, and fun competition! Even though we all may be different elements, we come together as Vikings here at Hilo High! 




ATTENTION SENIORS! Listen up! these next few announcements are for you:

Senior Portraits are due TODAY! Use the Google Form at hilohigh.org/25sp to upload a high-quality version of your portrait. Again, The deadline for Senior Portraits is TODAY, September 20th, 2024. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted 

Also, Senior Ad payments are due TODAY. The designs will be due in December.


Also, remember to vote for the Senior Hall of Fame! Voting closes TODAY.  Scan the QR code on the screen to vote!


Finally, Senior Mob Shot is next week Monday, September 23rd, 2024 at the New Gym during STARS. You will be going down to the New Gym after the recess bell rings, NOT with your STARS Class. Start preparing your mob shot poster! The poster size must not exceed 24 Inches wide and 18 Inches tall. It must contain appropriate subjects (Such as Name, love, or place.) No contraband, cursing, profanity, or inappropriate themes. If you do not have your SPAV or the Student Publication/Audio/Video Release form signed and YES checked off on the form before Mob Shot, you CANNOT participate. 




Football vs. Waiakea

We are going up against Waiakea in football tomorrow, September 21, 2024. Please come to Waiakea High School at 11:00 AM to show your support. Go to goFan.co to purchase your tickets.


Swim Team Tryouts (9/19/24-9/24/24)

Hey Vikings,If you are interested in trying out for a spot on the Hilo High Swim Team, please attend the informational meeting on Tuesday, September 24th during lunch at the pool in Section C. We hope to see you there!




Bus Pass Applications (9/17/24-9/27/24)

The application window for Quarter 2 bus passes is now open until November 15th.  If you would like to ride for the second quarter, you can submit your application online or pickup and return a paper copy at the main office.  Those of you who have a Quarter 1 bus pass may still ride until Fall Break or October 4th.  If you have any questions, please stop by the office.


Picture Retakes (9/11/24-9/23/24)

Did you miss picture day? Picture retakes will be Next Monday, September 23rd in C-215. Faculty and staff will take their pictures before school and students during Period 2. Teachers, if you have a student who needs a retake, send them anytime between 8 and 9 AM. Mahalo!




Senior Song Nomination (9/17/24-9/23/24)

Attention Class of 2025! Senior class song nominations are approaching! Start thinking of song nominations & keep an eye out for the link to submit your choices, which will be sent out soon. Please carefully consider the songs you want to nominate. Analyze the lyrics to ensure they are meaningful for a graduation event. Try to avoid love/sappy songs! Have any questions or concerns? Email Commencement Co-chair, Ericka Keith, at [email protected]




Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: Cinnamon roll with pork sausage patty, craisins, and sliced peaches

For Lunch: Chicken gyoza, baby carrots, celery sticks, and fresh fruit


Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!
