10/04/2024 KVIKS News Bulletin




Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Friday, October 4th, 2024. My name is ____. There is a modified schedule today. The periods today are 2, 4, 6, and LOT at the New Gym.




Today’s Homecoming theme is Our Elements In One and we hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s Homecoming festivities! We can’t wait to see your Blue and Gold Viking Pride at the Homecoming Closing Lot at the New Gym after lunch. The Class Dances and Mascots will be revealed, alongside fun competitions, as we wrap up this Homecoming Week and reveal the Homecoming Winner!


Art Club Work Session (10/2/24-10/4/24)

Attention Art Club: Your final work session at the East Hawai'i Cultural Center is TODAY, Friday, October 4th, from 2:00-4:00pm. Please go to Ms. Z's room after school if you would like to walk down as a group. There will be NO on-campus meeting. 


HHS Boys and Girls Golf Team (9/30/24-10/4/24)

Hi all golfers, Returnees and new. TODAY is the last day for sign-ups for the 2025 Hilo High School Boys and Girls Golf Team. Please call Coach Randy Pak at 808-934-0049 for signups and information.


Here’s what’s happening in Viking Athletics:


Girls Basketball (10/4/24-10/30/24)

Any girls that are interested in playing basketball meet coach Fred at the old gym at 6:20pm after air riflery practice every Monday and Wednesday.


Boys Soccer Sign Ups (9/17/24-10/4/24)

Interested in playing Boys Soccer? Sign ups are due this FRIDAY October 4, 2024 by 3 PM to participate.


Canoe Paddling Sign Ups (9/27/24-10/4/24)

Are you interested in joining Hilo High's Canoe Paddling team? If so, please scan the QR code to download the TeamReach app and enter the code WAA20242025 as we will be announcing dates for conditioning, tryouts, and other important information. If you have any questions please contact Zoe Aoki, thank you




Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: Cinnamon roll with pork sausage patty, strawberry apple crisps, and fresh fruit

For Lunch: Mini Turkey Corn Dogs, Baby Carrots, celery sticks, and fresh fruit


Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, and as a reminder, there will be no school next week for Fall Break, have a great day Vikings!
