

Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Wednesday, December 4th, 2024. My name is Mahea. The periods today are 2, 4, and 6.




Boys Basketball Dippin Dots (12/2/24-12/4/24)

Today is the final day to purchase Dippin Dots in the Mauka patio after school. Come support the boys team as they prepare for the upcoming season.


STAR Attendance Program

Stars Attendance will be held TODAY in the cafeteria from 2pm to 4pm.  




Leo Club Project (12/4/24-125/24)

A new project was just posted in Google Classroom. Fill out the form ASAP. Some of you still aren't filling out the forms and Ms. T doesn't know if you're attending or not. Again, a new project was posted in Google Classroom!


Chess Team (12/2/24-12/6/24)

The Waiakea Chess Club has reached out to Hilo High about a chess tournament between our schools. If you’re interested in this event, please contact Mr    Cah cear es, in Room A23.


Holiday Vendor Fair (12/4/24-12/14/24)

Holiday Vendor Fair will be running from 9:30am - 2pm this Saturday, December 14. There will be 25+ local vendors including food, crafts, fun, and entertainment!




Oregon Institute of Technology will be here  (11/27/24-12/5/24)

TOMORROW, Thursday, December 5th at 10:00am during pd 3. Please go to N-103 to sign up for a session and pick up a pass.


KVIKS Meeting Tomorrow (12/2/24-12/5/24)

Meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, December 5th, 2024 during lunch in C-215. We will be going over important events and our Christmas Party! If you wish to pick up lunch before the meeting, pick up a lunch slip in C-117.


Senior Ad Deadline is approaching fast!

If you purchased an Ad in the Yearbook, it’s due on December 20th, 2024. If you have any questions, please email Mrs Blair at [email protected] 


Quarter 3 Bus Application (11/26/24-12/6/24)

The application window closes on January 17th. Applications can be submitted online or you can pick up and return a paper copy at the main office. Those of you who have a Quarter 2 bus pass may still ride until December 20th. If you have any questions, please stop by the office.




Winter Ball Packet Payment (12/2/24-12/6/24) [tbf]

HEY VIKS!! Did you pick up a winterball packet? Well, now it's time for Winterball Payment! The cost is $4 0, CASH ONLY, and payment will be THIS WEEK during lunch, December 2nd to the 6th in F-Building. Remember to have your WHOLE PACKET filled out, ID printed and attached to your packet, and your money ready to go so our line can run smoothly! When you pay, you will be given a colored slip attached to your receipt, DON'T LOSE THIS, as it will designate WHAT DAY you can come to table selection NEXT WEEK, as table selection will be based on payment date. Thanks, Viks, and remember to turn in your packets!


Ensemble Class Announcement 

If you’re interested in joining our ensemble class, see Mr. Yoshimoto in the guitar room, P-5 for more information. We will also be performing at the patio, this wednesday at lunch. See you there!



Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: Breakfast chicken patty with brown rice, pineapple chunks, and strawberry apple crisps

For Lunch: Chili and cheese nachos with green salad, salsa cup, strawberry kiwi juice, and mixed fruit


Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @hilohighschool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!
