12/13/2024 KVIKS News Bulletin



Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Friday, December 13th, 2024. My name is Mr Duke. The periods today are 1, 3, 5, and 7.




Air Force Informational Booth (12/13/24)

The United States Air Force will be in the patio during lunch TODAY to share information about joining, including benefits and the process. Stop by and speak with Sergeant Reeves if you're interested!


Winter Ball Seat Selection (12/12/24-12/13/24)

As a reminder, TODAY is the last day to pick up your bid and select your seats in F-Building during LUNCH. BID and seat selection are needed in order to attend. If YOU don't select your seating, it will be picked FOR YOU randomly! EVERYONE with a GREEN, PINK, or BLUE ticket can come in TODAY. Remember to bring some sort of ID and your colored slip or receipt so we can easily identify you. Thank you!


KVIKS Media Photo-Taking (12/10/24-12/13/24)

Attention All KVIKS Media members, we are taking our group photo for the yearbook. Come to C-117 during recess, lunch, and after school for photos for this entire week. Wear the HHS Blue Polo shirt. If you do not have the shirt, we will lend you it on the spot.


As You Like It Opening Weekend (12/12/24/12-13/24)

The Performing Arts Learning Center presents “As You Like It” this weekend! The show opens TONIGHT at 7:00pm in the Auditorium, with another performance on Saturday at 7:00pm. On Sunday, catch the matinee (Mat-in-ay) at 2:00pm. Don't miss this fun show about running away in disguise!


Here are the club meetings happening TODAY:


National Honor Society: During LUNCH in Mrs.Masuyama's room (BB-102). A few reminders and a short presentation will be shared.

HOSA: Emergency club meeting at LUNCH in Mr. Assi's class, room L2. Thank you for your attendance and sorry for the very short notice.




Holiday Vendor Fair (12/4/24-12/14/24) 

The Holiday Vendor Fair is TOMORROW Saturday, December 14 from 9:30am - 2pm here at Hilo High! There will be over 25 local vendors including food, crafts, fun, and entertainment!




WINTER WEEK DRESS UP (12/9/24-12/13/24) 

Happy winter week Vikings!


 Get ready to wrap up this year with Winter Spirit Week—a whole week of dress ups, games, and holiday cheer! Here’s what’s in store:


[P]Monday's theme is Holly Jolly Jammies: Roll right out of bed and into school in your comfiest PJs! Plus, we’re serving hot cocoa in the lower patio, but only to those rocking their cozy pajamas. Don’t miss out!


[M]Tuesday is Santa vs. Grinch: The Battle for Christmas!

It’s a showdown, Vikings! Freshmen & Sophomores: channel your inner Grinch by wearing GREEN! Juniors & Seniors: Represent SANTA by wearing red and accessories like a Santa hat!

We will battle it out in an epic Tug of War during lunch. Who will rule Christmas at Hilo High?


[P]Wednesday is our SNOW DAY! Vikings, it’s a white-out! Even though it doesn't snow in Hilo, show up in your white outfits to represent snow here in PARADISE!


[M]Thursday is Rhyme Without Reason! Get creative with groups of friends for the Rhyme Without Reason challenge! Some ideas for rhyming group costumes are: Bumblebee & Christmas Tree, Strawberry & Katy Perry, or Iron man and Frying Pan! Get creative with it and have fun with friends! Plus, join us for Christmas Musical Chairs during LUNCH in front of the auditorium!


[P]Finally, Friday is "New Year, New Me!"

What’s your New Year’s Resolution, Vikings? Show it off in style!

Planning to sleep more? Rock your PJs again.

Hitting the gym? Bring out those workout clothes.

Want to get good grades? Dress like a smartie!!!

Got goals? Wear what inspires you!


M: Don’t forget to dress up next week, Vikings! 


Both: Happy Winter Week!


Color Fun Run (12/13/24-12/20/24)

Hey Vikings! We’re excited to announce an upcoming event that you won’t want to miss! 


 Join us for the 2024 Color Fun Run happening on Sunday, December 22, at 3:30 PM. This vibrant event is all about fun and fitness. 


 Packet pick-up and race-day registration is from 2:30–3:30 PM, right before the event. 


 Register online or drop off your registration form by Friday, December 20. 


You can still register on race day, just note that drawstring bags may not be guaranteed. 


 Advisory Challenge Alert! The advisory class that brings in the most participants will win a pizza party for the whole class! 


 Why participate? This event supports our junior and senior classes, with funds also paying it forward to the Veterans Home of Hilo. 


 Get ready for a blast of color and energy. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to come together as a community. 


 Mark your calendars, spread the word, and we’ll see you on December 22 for the Color Fun Run! Go, Vikings!


Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: Cinnamon rolls, craisins, and sliced peaches

For Lunch: Chicken gyoza, baby carrots, celery sticks, fresh fruits


Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @HiloHighSchool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!
