Good morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Monday, December 16th, 2024. My name is Tyra. The periods today are 2, STARS, 4, and 6.
HEEEEY VIKINGS! Today is the start of WINTER WEEK!! We hope you're all dressed up in your coziest PJs to start off our last week of school before break! Remember to come down to the lower patio during lunch for some hot chocolate and Christmas tunes! TOMORROW is Santa vs. Grinch, so SENIORS and JUNIORS, remember to dress up in RED like Santa, and SOPHOMORES and FRESHMEN, remember to rock your GREEN to rep the grinches! We are looking for some PLAYERS for TUG OF WAR during lunch, so sign up with the QR code if you are interested! Happy Winter Week, and Stay Jolly!
Patio Lunch Kiosk Closed (12/16/24-12/20/24)
The lunch kiosk will be closed for the rest of the calendar year. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria ONLY
KVIKS Media Photo-Taking Extended (12/10/24-12/17/24)
Attention All KVIKS Media members, if you missed last week’s photo taking, we have extended our days. Come to C-117 during recess, lunch, and after school for photos TODAY and TOMORROW. Wear the HHS Blue Polo shirt. If you do not have the shirt, we will lend you it on the spot.
Here are the club meetings happening this week:
FCA: Thursday, December 19th at the pool during lunch. Bring some friends to enjoy some pizza and to learn about the word of God.
REGISTRATION FORMS VIDEO (12/11/24-12/16/24) FILMED ON 11/10/24
Aloha, Vikings! As you work on completing your Registration Forms for next school year, I just wanted to share some quick tips and reminders for you all:
- Every student in grades 9-11 must submit a complete registration form with all Elective choices filled. We will always try to give you your top choices, but if we cannot, we need alternative choices as well.
- Remember to talk to your current teachers if you have any questions about what class you should take next. Your teachers know you best, and can make good recommendations for you for next year.
- If you are looking for more of a challenge in your academics, consider talking to your teachers about possible AP and Early College options. You can see me if you have any questions about Early College.
- Everyone will be automatically registered for your next CTE Pathway course, but seniors can also select the Work-based Learning course to get even more hands-on experience in your pathway before graduation.
- Choose electives that will benefit you based on your post-high school plans. Consider taking or continuing your World Language, Fine Art, or Music classes. Step up your leadership experience with our Leadership and JROTC classes. Put your graphic design, photography, or writing skills to use by taking Yearbook. Or work some physical activity into your day with one of our PE choices. We want you to enjoy the classes you take, so put some thought into your selections.
- And lastly, remember that submitting a complete registration form ON-TIME by December 16th is your best chance of getting the schedule that you want. If you do not turn in your registration form, we will create a schedule for you, and you may not like the classes you get. Do not give up your chance to choose for yourself.
So, please see any of the counselors if you have questions about completing your registration forms before December 16th. Have a great day Vikings!
Color Fun Run (12/13/24-12/20/24)
Hey Vikings! We’re excited to announce an upcoming event that you won’t want to miss!
Join us for the 2024 Color Fun Run happening on Sunday, December 22, at 3:30 PM. This vibrant event is all about fun and fitness.
Packet pick-up and race-day registration is from 2:30–3:30 PM, right before the event.
Register online or drop off your registration form by Friday, December 20.
You can still register on race day, just note that drawstring bags may not be guaranteed.
Advisory Challenge Alert! The advisory class that brings in the most participants will win a pizza party for the whole class!
Why participate? This event supports our junior and senior classes, with funds also paying it forward to the Veterans Home of Hilo.
Get ready for a blast of color and energy. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to come together as a community.
Mark your calendars, spread the word, and we’ll see you on December 22 for the Color Fun Run! Go, Vikings!
Here is today’s menu:
For Wiki: Sweet Cinnamon Belgian Waffles with chicken tenders, fresh fruit, and grape juice
For Lunch: Three bean chili with brown rice, steamed carrots, broccoli, pineapple chunks, and a whole grain roll
Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @HiloHighSchool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!