01/17/2025 KVIKS News Bulletin



Good Morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Friday, January 17th, 2025. My name is Rianne. The periods today are 1, 3, 5, and 7. As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday and Tuesday due to MLK Day and PC Day, enjoy your 4-day weekend!




Yearbook Pre-Orders (1/13/25-1/24/25)

Hey Vikings! Haven't ordered a yearbook yet? Well, you're in luck! The last day to pre-order yearbooks is January 24th, 2025. Yearbooks are $50 and payment goes to Mrs. Blair in L-5. If you do not pre-order a yearbook, it will be first come first serve when the yearbooks arrive. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Blair at [email protected].


Senior Prom Packet Pickup (1/15/25-1/24/25)

Hey Seniors! Save the date! Senior Prom: A Tale as Old as Time will be held on Saturday, March 1st at Nani Mau Gardens. Packet distribution will be from January 22-24. Please ensure all obligations are cleared before picking up a packet. Thank you!


Tennis Tryouts (1/13/25-1/24/25)

To all students interested in trying out for Tennis this spring, your physical needs to be done in order to tryout. Returnees- your physical CANNOT be expired. Please do not procrastinate! No physical, no tryouts! Forms can be picked up from the front office or from coach Leanne in F-Bldg. Thanks!


ASVAB Testing (1/13/25-1/24/25)

All 10th-12th graders, the next ASVAB administration is on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. The test will be administered in C-217 and will start promptly at 8:00 AM. If you are planning on joining the military post-high school, you will need to take the ASVAB.

Email Mrs. Fukushima at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

The number of test-takers per session is 20 on a first come first served basis.

Reserve your spot by Friday, January 24, 2025.


PALC Variety Show (1/15/2025 - 1/31/2025)

Interested in showing off your talents? Sign up for PALC’S Variety Show! Please use the QR code on the bottom left corner of the screen to apply. Deadline to apply is February 7th, 2025.




Girls Flag Football (1/15/25-1/17/25)

We are excited to announce, Girls Flag Football Information, Sign ups, and Athlete Packet Pick up! Monday, January 20th, 2025 here on our School Campus in the Mauka Side Patio between 11am-2pm. This will be the only day to sign up. Athlete Packet and Important Documents are due Thursday, January 30th, 2025 to the New Gym Athletic Directors office to Coach CaseyLeigh from 2:30-4PM.




2-APPLICATION PICKUP LAST DAY (Air on 1/16 & 17)  


Aloha kākou!  Iʻm ______ and Iʻm _______.  We are part of the May Day Committee this year.


We are looking for students who best represent the VIKING and ALOHA spirit and are willing to learn and perform a hula in front of our school and the community.  But THIS Friday is the last day to pick up an application.  


So, if you were nominated or are interested, please come and pick up an application.  Applications will be available until Friday, Jan 17, so get it quick.  You can get an application from the following locations: 


-Kumu ʻAwaʻs class (K101-behind the old gym)

-Kumu  Heather Aionaʻs class (R20)

-Ms. Tiffʻs class (B42) 

-Mrs. Masuyamaʻs class (BB102)

-Kumu Lono Baldadoʻs class (C209)


If you have any questions, please contact a May Day Committee member or advisor.  

Mahalo nui loa! A hui hou!


Junior Prom Packet Pickup (1/17/25)

Attention, Juniors! This is a reminder that TODAY, January 17, is the absolute LAST day to pick up prom packets. If you’re planning on bringing a guest, this is your final chance to get the necessary forms. You and your guest must be present while picking up your prom packets. Make sure to bring your photo ID when you come to pick up your packet. Don’t miss out, take care of it today! Thank you!




Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: Banana bread with turkey sausage links, sliced peaches, and mixed fruit

For Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza with baby carrots, celery sticks, and fresh fruit


Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @HiloHighSchool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!
