Good Morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Thursday, January 23rd, 2025. My name is Clara. The periods today are 1, 3, 5, and 7.
Shoutout to our own KVIKS Media students for placing in their competitive category this weekend at the 3rd Annual, CHEE FOR THREE, Shoots Summit Hawaii.
Placing 3rd in the Category of Double Spread Layout, Congratulations to Clara Steele and Nevaeh Mendoza.
Placing 3rd in the Portrait Photo Category, with the Prompt: “Frightened” Florelaine Gonzales
Placing 2nd in Photo Essay, with the Prompt: “Late to Class”, Ruth Barlam
Placing 2nd in Live Action PSA, with the prompt: “Addressing Stress”, Kai Bowlin, Noumea Gatting, Landan Lopez, and Rayden Rice.
Finally, once again, placing 1st in PSA Animation with the prompt: “Addressing Stress”, Rianne Empaynado. Please enjoy her winning PSA now.
Once again, congratulations to all of our teams!
Girls Water Polo Preseason Training (1/21/25-2/7/25)
Lady Viks, not currently in a sport? Looking to try something new? Girls’ Water Polo invites you to their preseason training starting Monday, January 27th at Hilo High Pool from 5:15-6:45 pm! This is a great opportunity to receive a soft intro to the sport & meet some of the coaches and players before the season officially begins on February 10th! No obligations and no experience necessary!
Nalukai Academy Summer (1/22/25-1/24/25)
Nalukai Academy Summer is an intensive social, cultural, and commercial entrepreneurship boarding program for Hawaiʻi high school students. Students receive guidance from industry experts, community leaders, and cultural practitioners to explore local issues, develop innovative solutions, and pitch their ideas to community stakeholders. Tuition, room and board are covered for all admitted students, and will also receive a professional-grade laptop they may keep upon completion of the program. This year’s program will be held in Honolulu from June 20th - 29th (full details to be released in February). The application can be accessed by the link and from our website at nalukai.org. Student applications and letters of recommendation (one required for each student) must be submitted by April 14th.
Girls Flag Football Conditioning (1/22/25-1/24/25)
Training and Conditioning for girls who signed up for Flag Football begins next week, January 27-29 from 4pm-6pm at Bayfront (Across of the Hele Gas Station). For more information please contact Coach Casey at 808-430-9545. Again, Girls Flag Football Conditioning and Training is for those who signed up.
Leo Club Project (1/23/25-1/24/25)
ATTENTION ALL LEO CLUB MEMBERS!!! This is a friendly reminder to please fill out the Google Form for this Saturday's project, happening here at Hilo High from 9:00 to 11:00 am. If you haven't already done so, please fill out the form, even if you cannot attend. For members who have indicated you are attending, please be sure to pick up a permission form. The forms are on Ms. T's door in room A-19.
Seniors! These next few announcements are for you:
Senior Song Practice (1/22/25-1/27/25)
Song practice will begin on Monday, January 27, 2025. Here are some reminders for you: Please report directly to the pool after period 2 ends. Song practices are during morning recess & STARS. Look for the tape that will be plastered on the bleachers with your name written on top, and sit in your assigned seats as attendance is mandatory and will be taken. Lastly, if you have a modified schedule, you are still expected to attend. Let's start practicing seniors!
Senior Prom Packet Pickup (1/15/25-1/24/25)
Save the date! Senior Prom: A Tale as Old as Time will be held on Saturday, March 1st at Nani Mau Gardens. Packet distribution is happening now until Friday, January 24, 2025. Please ensure all obligations are cleared before picking up a packet. Thank you!
PALC Variety Show (1/15/2025 - 1/31/2025)
Interested in showing off your talents? Sign up for PALC’S Variety Show! Please use the QR code on the bottom left corner of the screen to apply. Deadline to apply is February 7th, 2025.
MAYDAY APPLICATION turn in deadline (air on 1/22, 23 and 24)
Aloha kākou! Iʻm ______ and Iʻm _______. We are part of the May Day Committee this year.
We just want to remind you that if you picked up a May Day application to be on the Royal Court, your applications are due this FRIDAY, January 24th.
You can drop off your application at the following locations:
-Kumu ʻAwaʻs class (K101-behind the old gym)
-Mrs. Masuyamaʻs class (BB102)
-the Office
If you have any questions, please contact a May Day Committee member or advisor.
Mahalo nui loa! A hui hou!
Here is today’s menu:
For Wiki: Breakfast burrito with salsa cup, pineapple chunks, and fresh fruit
For Lunch: Chicken tenders with potato wedges, baby carrots, edamame, strawberry fruit gel, and pears
Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @HiloHighSchool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!